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CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle


CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

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CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90) is a family of Swedish tracked combat vehicles designed by BAE Systems Hägglunds (formerly Alvis Hägglunds).TThe Swedish version of the main infantry fighting vehicle is fitted with a turret from Bofors that is equipped with a 40 mm autocannon, although export versions use BAE Systems Hägglunds E-series turret with 30 mm and 35 mm autocannons. Developed specifically for the Nordic sub-arctic climate, it has very good mobility in snow and wetlands while carrying and supporting eight and six fully equipped dismount soldiers. Other variants include Forward Observation, Command and Control, Anti-air, Armoured Recovery, Electronic Warfare and so forth. The CV90 and Hägglunds E-series turrets has been under continous development with more than 4 million hours invested and are still produced with modern protection and network enabled solutions. Currently 15 variants are in service with 7 user nations, 4 members of NATO under BAE Systems Hägglunds AB.
The basic armour of the CV9040 provides all-round protection against 14.5 mm armour-piercing rounds. Armour protection over the frontal arc is classified, but all models from CV9040B and later are said to be protected against 30 mm APFSDS. Some variants, including the CV9030N, can be fitted with MEXAS, a ceramic appliqué armor that provides protection against 30 mm APFSDS. This armour kit is intended to provide increased protection against Improvised explosive device, explosively formed penetrator and 30 mm caliber armour piercing rounds. All CV90s are fitted with a Kevlar Spall suppression liner, which covers the interior spaces and provides protection for the troops inside against shrapnel and anti-personnel artillery munitions.

CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The CV90 can be also fitted with cage armour, which provides protection against tandem-charge and shaped charge warheads. The CV90 is fitted with a nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) filtration system accompanied by a chemical detector and radiation detector systems. The CV90 also uses heat-absorbing filters to provide temporary protection against thermal imaging (TIS), image intensifier and infrared camera (IR). The CV 90 was designed to produce a very low and very compact structure to minimize radar and IR-signatures.
With every generation of CV90 there has been an increase in payload and corresponding protection levels. The inherent mine protection levels have risen substantially to presently defeat the heaviest (10 kg TNT) anti-tank mines.
The CV90 Mk0 is powered by a DSI14 engine developed by Scania, which provides 550 horse power (HP) and it can reach speeds of 70 kilometres (43 mi) per hour. The basic CV90 has a maximum road range of 320 kilometres (200 mi), but the latest generation can reach up to 600 kilometres (370 mi). The CV90 offers quieter movement for improved stealth, greater speed over good terrain, and higher ground clearance for protection against mines and improvised explosive devices.
BAE Systems is considering upgrading the CV90 with a hybrid-electric propulsion system as armies look to cut fuel expenses, due to environmental issues and fuel economy. A hybrid-electric drive could cut fuel consumption by 10 to 30 percent. The new system would also provide a power boost to move the vehicle. The hybrid-electric combines a standard diesel engine with a battery pack to provide extra power to propel the vehicle or provide additional electricity.
CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

In April 2015, BAE Systems fitted a CV90 with an active damping suspension system derived from Formula One racing cars. This technology calculates the vehicle’s speed and anticipates the terrain ahead, then pressurizes the suspension at independent points to lift the chassis and keep the vehicle level.
The basic CV90 is fitted with a two-man turret armed with a Bofors 40 mm caliber gun and a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. The CV90 also carries six 76-mm grenade launchers, which are arranged in two clusters of three launchers; the clusters are positioned on each side of the turret. The grenade launchers are intended for smoke grenades, but can also be loaded with a variety of combat grenades.
The export variants of CV90 are fitted with Hagglunds E-series turret with more than 600 E30 and E35 turret delivered.
The CV90 is equipped with a UTAAS (Universal Tank and Anti-Aircraft Sight) from Saab. Daytime optical, Thermal Imaging System (TIS) and Generation III Image Intensification (II). The Norwegian IFV, C2, Recce, Mortar and Combat Engineer variants are delivered with the Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon Station with 360 degrees day and night sights as well as hunter killer capability.
CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

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