Brazilian Air Force Embraer A-29 Super Tucano aircraft from Second Squadron of the Fifth Aviation Group (2º/5º GAv) “Esquadrão Joker” (Joker Squadron) demonstrate tight flying formation. The exercise showcased aircrews’ capability to quickly and safely prepare an aircraft for a wartime mission. The A-29 Super Tucano also named ALX or Embraer EMB 314, is a turboprop light attack aircraft designed for counter-insurgency, close air support, and aerial reconnaissance missions in low-threat environments, as well as providing pilot training. Designed to operate in high temperature and humidity conditions in extremely rugged terrain, the Super Tucano is highly maneuverable, has a low heat signature, and incorporates fourth-generation avionics and weapons systems to deliver precision-guided munitions. A total of 99 aircraft was acquired from a contract estimated to be worth U$214.1 million; 66 of these aircraft are two-seater versions, designated A-29B. The remaining 33 aircraft are the single-seat A-29 ALX version. More than 200 Super Tucanos are operated by 10 nations, Militaries in Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Indonesia and Mauritania fly the Super Tucano. Guatemala, Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Lebanon and Philippines have ordered the aircraft, according to Embraer. In 2008, the U.S. Navy began testing the Super Tucano at the behest of the U.S. Special Operations Command for its potential use to support special warfare operations, giving it the official U.S. designation A-29. In 2009, the Super Tucano was offered in a U.S. Air Force competition for 100 counterinsurgency aircraft. For this procurement, the avionics are supplied by Elbit Systems of America. Sierra Nevada, the US-based prime contractor will be building the Super Tucano in Jacksonville, Florida.