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IAI has successfully completed firing test with LORA


IAI has successfully completed firing test with LORA

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Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has successfully completed a firing trial with LORA (Long-Range Artillery weapon system) as the conclusive stage of several deals that involve the system. The trial consisted of launching a long-range LORA missile to a pre-planned target. LORA is an artillery weapon system, which consists of a long-range tactical ground-to-ground missile developed by IAI’s MALAM division. It is intended for strike scenarios with a range of up to 400 km and precision of 10 meters or better. The LORA missile weighs approximately 1,600 kg. During the trial the ground version of the artillery weapon system was positioned on a naval vessel far out in the sea, in compliance with safety requirements for trials of this kind. The missile was launched from an operational system that consists of a command trailer and ground launcher. Following the launch, the missile has navigated its course to the target, striking the designated target with high precision. Both the weapon system and the missile have successfully met all objectives.
IAI has successfully completed firing test with LORA

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