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Bastille Day Military Parade 2017


Bastille Day Military Parade 2017

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The Bastille Day Military Parade (or 14 July Military Parade, translation of the French name of Défilé militaire du 14 Juillet) is a French military parade that has been held on the morning of 14 July each year in Paris since 1880, almost without exception. The parade passes down the Champs-Elysées from l’Arc de Triomphe to Place de la Concorde where the President of the French Republic, his government and foreign ambassadors to France stand. This is a popular event in France, broadcast on French TV, and is one of the oldest regular military parades in the world.
The President of the United States Donald Trump attended the 2017 parade as the foreign guest for that year, marking the centennial since the US entry into the First World War. President Emmanuel Macron made his holiday address, the first President to do so in the parade grandstand, before the parade began.
Smaller military parades are held in French garrison towns (such as Marseille, Toulon, Brest, or Belfort).
Bastille Day Military Parade 2017

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