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NATO Futuristic UAV Weapon Approach


NATO Futuristic UAV Weapon Approach

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NATO Futuristic UAV Weapon Approach
NATO Futuristic UAV Weapon Approach

An interesting concept for NATO of an aerial weapons platform that uses the combination of an airship and uav to attack ground targets.
Revolutionary Weapon System Design for Unmanned Air Systems
• Reduces the command chain of traditional UAV launched weapons, providing greater
situational awareness and rapid fire support
• Offers an all-weather capability with a weapon system that reaches below the cloud base
• Rapid engagement of time critical targets with a small window of opportunity
• Medium altitude weapon launch improves survivability of launch platforms
Redefines a Traditional Air Launched Weapon System
• Provides identification and tracking of targets with 3D model generation technology
• Enables multiple missile configurations via a flexible launcher
• Reduces the complexity of platform integration
• Offers the user flexibility in range and time on target
• Provides the ability to engage both hard and soft targets

Armatus – Integrated communications and launcher
Novel, platform agnostic missile launcher which is the hub of the
weapon system. Offers exceptional mission flexibility with a variety of missile carriage combinations. Unique launcher intelligence with live onboard mission planning and connector-less interfaces between launcher and missiles.
77kg; 850mm x 320mm x 2580mm; 300kg maximum payload.

511 Tactical

Caelus – Persistent target identification and tracking missile
Electrically propelled, all-weather missile with small IR and noise signatures. Provides enhanced ISTAR, strike of time critical targets and battle damage information. Enables improved situational awareness, target precision and low collateral damage.
100kg; Ø 180mm x 1800mm; 2000mm wing span; 70 – 130ms-1; 2 hours flight duration; 1kg payload bay for optional warhead or deployable sensors.

Gladius – Low collateral damage lightweight missile
Small missile with rocket motor propulsion and multi-Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) with anti-jamming technology. Provides precision effects against lightly armoured
targets and minimises collateral damage with a multi-mode, in-flight programmable warhead.
7kg; Ø 80mm x 800mm; 440mm wing span; 1kg warhead –
Explosively Formed Projectile (EFP) or directed fragments;
subsonic; up to 30km range.

NATO Futuristic UAV Weapon Approach
NATO Futuristic UAV Weapon Approach

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