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FSAF-PAAMS Delivery of First Mid-Life Updated Munitions and Kits to France and Italy


FSAF-PAAMS Delivery of First Mid-Life Updated Munitions and Kits to France and Italy

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FSAF-PAAMS Delivery of First Mid-Life Updated Munitions and Kits to France and Italy
FSAF-PAAMS Delivery of First Mid-Life Updated Munitions and Kits to France and Italy

The first A30 PAAMS Mid-Life Updated munitions and kits have been delivered to France and Italy. OCCAR-EA, as Contracting Authority, has established several contracts to extend and renew the Aster munitions stockpile of the three FSAF-PAAMS Participating States. Following several years of development, Eurosam/MBDA was able to produce the first Mid-Life Updated (MLU) kits for the Nations’ munitions. The first updated A30 Naval munitions in MBDA FR premises in Selle Saint-Denis have been delivered to the France as well as kits to the Italy.

The FSAF-PAAMS (Famille des systèmes Surface-Air Futurs/Famiglia dei sistemi Superficie-Aria Futuri – Principal Anti Air Missile Systems) is a joint programme developed by France, Italy, and the United Kingdom for an integrated anti-aircraft warfare system. The prime contractor is EUROPAAMS, a joint venture between Eurosam (66%) and UKAMS (33%). In the United Kingdom, PAAMS has been given the designation Sea Viper. On the 26th October 1988, French and Italian Defence Ministers signed the Memorandum of Understanding of a bilateral cooperation for the development of a surface to air anti missile system family – FSAF.

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The Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation Executive Administration (OCCAR-EA) will continue to provide Nations with unprecedented support to uphold their operational needs and requirements. The organisation avails of this opportunity to express its gratitude and appreciation for Nations’ and Industry’s contribution and cooperation to achieve such major milestone for the programme. Further deliverables are also scheduled in-year for all three Nations, respectively France, Italy and the UK.

The FSAF-PAAMS are new weapon systems based on common elements developed in the frame of the FSAF programme. The weapon system capability provides agile, rapid reaction “self defence”, “local and “naval area” defence Maritime capabilities for: the FR/IT Horizon frigate and the UK Type 45 destroyer. Phase 1 (Feasibility) of the programme is now complete. Phase 2 (Development) is nearing completion. Phase 3 (Production, firing section deliveries to the customer) continues and Phase 4 (In service support) is ongoing in accordance with the 2012 awarded contract. OCCAR manages the munition procurement programme for the Land and Maritime systems on behalf of the Participating States to achieve greater, cost effective economies of scale

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