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MVRsimulation’s Joint Terminal Attack Controllers Simulator Achieves Full Accreditation


MVRsimulation’s Joint Terminal Attack Controllers Simulator Achieves Full Accreditation

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MVRsimulation’s Joint Terminal Attack Controllers Simulator Achieves Full Accreditation
MVRsimulation’s Joint Terminal Attack Controllers Simulator Achieves Full Accreditation

MVRsimulation’s Deployable Joint Fires Trainer (DJFT) has become the industry’s first mixed-reality Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) training simulator to achieve full accreditation by the Joint Fire Support Executive Steering Committee (JFS ESC). The accreditation covers the fully-deployable DJFT as delivered to the Headquarters USAFE-AFAFRICA Warfare Center:

  • Three two-person transportable aluminum cases: instructor operator station, role player station, and observer (JTAC) station
  • MVRsimulation’s VRSG
  • Battlespace Simulations, Inc.’s MACE
  • Varjo XR-3 mixed-reality headset

The system is accredited for Type, 1, 2, and 3 Terminal Attack Control (TAC), Bomb on Coordinate (BOC), Fixed-Wing (FW), Rotary-Wing (RW), Remote Observer (RO), Video Down-Link (VDL), Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD), Urban, Forward Air Controller (Airborne) (FAC (A)), Night, IR, and Laser controls. The DJFT emulates and simulates: laser target designation, laser range finder, GPS, IR pointer and strobe, VDL, ATAK/WINTAK-Link 16 capability and AN/PRC-117G and AN/PRC-152A systems. Trainees can use emulated physical devices, read, write, and have visual use of their hands while wearing the XR-3 HMD. The DJFT is a fully internally-developed COTS product made entirely in the United States by JTACs for JTACs. This accreditation validates the company commitment to team with agile, intelligent partners to deliver next-generation JTAC training solutions for the military training community.

511 Tactical
At MVRsimulation's DJFT Observer station, looking through the Varjo XR-3 headset at the VRSG scene displayed in the emulated SOFLAM; with simulated PRC-152 radio and Advanced GPS Receiver (C-EAGR).
At MVRsimulation’s DJFT Observer station, looking through the Varjo XR-3 headset at the VRSG scene displayed in the emulated SOFLAM; with simulated PRC-152 radio and Advanced GPS Receiver (C-EAGR). (Photo by MVRsimulation)

“We delivered the first DJFT to the Headquarters USAFE-AFAFRICA Warfare Center in 2021 and received interim accreditation the following year. To have now been granted full accreditation by the JFS ESC less than 12 months later is a significant win for the JTACs and FOs who will be training using this cutting-edge mixed-reality training environment,”Garth Smith, president, MVRsimulation, said.

The Deployable Joint Fires Trainer (DJFT) is designed to allow JTACs and forward observers to train alongside fixed- and rotary-wing aircrew within an immersive virtual training environment created by VRSG. Using the XR-3 headset, trainees have a 360×360-degree field with pass-through vision, allowing them to use emulated physical devices, and giving them the ability to read, write, and have visual use of their hands while wearing the head-mounted display.

Formerly MetaVR, MVRsimulation creates 3D real-time PC-based visual systems that provide the fidelity of geospecific simulation with game quality graphics for manned and unmanned air, land and sea military and commercial training simulation systems. MVRsimulation’s software products enable users to build high-fidelity virtual worlds with our terrain generation tools and render the resulting virtual world with our real-time 3D visualization application, Virtual Reality Scene Generator (VRSG). VRSG is a Microsoft DirectX-based render engine that provides geospecific simulation as an image generator (IG) with game quality graphics. VRSG enables users to visualize geographically expansive and detailed virtual worlds at 60Hz frame rates on commercially available PCs. MVRsimulation’s 3D terrain databases cover the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America in its round-earth geocentric Metadesic format. All terrain datasets contain high-resolution insets of many areas of interest.

MVRsimulation's PTMT can join DJFT training scenarios as a fully-networked additional role player.
Each DJFT station is self-contained and cased in two-person portable welded aluminium case. MVRsimulation’s PTMT can join DJFT training scenarios as a fully-networked additional role player. (Photo by MVRsimulation)

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