The EOS Defense Systems USA has released footage of its EOS R600MC Remote Weapon Systems featuring the Northrop Grumman M230LF and Javelin anti-tank guided missiles mounted on an Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV). The AMPV is a U.S. Army program to replace the M113 armored personnel carrier and family of vehicles. The R600 Missile Carrier (R600MC) is the only Remote Weapon Station (RWS) that provides both medium caliber firepower and the added lethality of multiple anti-tank or anti-air missiles, all within a system that weighs less than 1,600 lbs.

The R600MC provides maneuver units the capability to effectively address any threat on the modern battlefield. Commanders can configure the additional missile pods to mitigate the most dangerous targets, while the standard medium-caliber main armament and sub-caliber coax provides vehicle commanders effective self-defense firepower. Additionally, the available fused 30mm rounds can also address special missions such as C-sUAS and targets in defilade. Configurable with a variety of third effectors including Javelin, Stinger, Coyote or APKWS.

The integrated sensor unit, with D/R/I of 12+/5+/4+ km, provides both daylight and cooled-thermal optics
which allows Javelin operators to detect, identify and engage targets at ranges exceeding 4,000m.
Due to the R600MC’s low weight and high lethality, this RWS can be mounted on medium wheeled or tracked
platforms, greatly complementing a mechanized or high-mobility unit’s overall firepower and contributing
to mission success.

EOS Defense Systems USA specializes in technology for weapon systems optimization and integration, ISR and C4 systems. Its parent company, Electro Optic Systems Pty Ltd, is a leading international technology corporation operating in the global aerospace and defense markets. EOS is the only company in the world to offer an RWS able to mount all weapons ranging from 5.56 cal to 30x173mm cannon and shoot them precisely on the move over long range. . The company has built a strong reputation as a provider of weapon system technology for over 25 years to a variety of customers. Currently, EOS has more than 2,100 RWS in service with customers worldwide and is under contract to deliver more than 1,100 additional stations over the next five years.