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Norway Orders Almost 300 Advanced TG3 MIL 8×8 Military Trucks from Rheinmetall


Norway Orders Almost 300 Advanced TG3 MIL 8×8 Military Trucks from Rheinmetall

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Norway Orders Almost 300 Advanced TG3 MIL 8x8 Military Trucks from Rheinmetall
Norway Orders Almost 300 Advanced TG3 MIL 8x8 Military Trucks from Rheinmetall

Rheinmetall is making another important contribution to strengthening NATO’s European member nations: starting in late 2026, Norway will be taking delivery of almost 300 advanced TG3 MIL 8×8 military trucks, worth over €150 million. The contract was signed on 31 May 2023 in Oslo by Gro Jeare, director of the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA), and Michael Wittlinger, chairman of the board of management of Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH (RMMV). In terms of volume, it is the largest single call-off of trucks to date under the framework contract concluded between Rheinmetall, Norway and Sweden. Earmarked for the Norwegian armed forces, the package encompasses multiple vehicle variants, including hook loader trucks, special vehicles with crane and hook loader systems as well as trailers and flatracks.

“We see this follow-up order as clear proof of the professional and partner-like cooperation in recent years as well as the compelling performance of our products. As we see it, the fact that more and more NATO armed forces are opting for our TG and HX vehicles is an important step toward greater interoperability and resilience. We take our responsibility to supply the best possible systems here very seriously”, Michael Wittlinger said.

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The primary purpose of the vehicles will be to enhance the transport capacity and operational capabilities of the Norwegian military. The latest call-off represents less than half of the necessary logistic vehicles covered by the framework contract, meaning that follow-up orders from Norway and other Scandinavian nations are likely. The roots of the successful Scandinavian logistic truck project reach back to 2008, when a project group of the Norwegian armed forces drew up a specifications catalogue for new military logistic trucks. RMMV’s proposal won the day in 2013. Together with its Swedish opposite number, the FMV procurement agency in Stockholm, the NDMA signed a framework agreement on 31 March 2014 with RMMV for the supply of military logistic trucks. A related agreement covers the long-term provision of service support by RMMV. Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH RMMV is joint venture company in which Rheinmetall AG holds a 51% stake and MAN Truck & Bus SE the remaining 49%.

Rheinmetall AG is a German automotive and arms manufacturer, headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. Its shares are traded on the Frankfurt stock exchange. Rheinmetall was founded in 1889 as “Rheinische Metallwaaren- und Maschinenbaufabrik Aktiengesellschaft”. Today, Rheinmetall is a leading, globally active, integrated technology group that develops and sells components, systems and services for the security and civil industries. As a renowned development partner and direct supplier to the global automotive industry and a leading international systems provider for security technology, Rheinmetall draws on its high level of expertise in its basic technologies to address long-term megatrends, identify viable new markets with high growth potential and develop innovative solutions for a safe and liveable future. The focus on sustainability is an integral part of Rheinmetall’s strategy. The company aims to achieve CO2 neutrality by 2035. With about 28,000 employees at 132 locations and production sites worldwide, Rheinmetall generated sales of €6.4 billion in 2022.

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