General Dynamic Information Technology, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia, has been awarded a $137,861,955 contract for service required to develop and sustain the system-of-systems Special Warfare Assault Kit (SWAK). This contract provides support for the special warfare acquisition growth and refresh, Guardian Angel and tactical air control party modernization programs. Work will be performed in Dayton, Ohio, and is expected to be completed June 15, 2033. This single-award contract the result of a competitive source-selection acquisition and five offers were received.
Fiscal 2023 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $250,000 will be obligated at the time of award. U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity. This contract involves Foreign Military Sales to Australia, Bulgaria, India, Bahrain, Bosnia, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkiye, Estonia, Kenya, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Latvia.

Since 2015, SWAK have been developed and delivered primarily via two contracts, known as Machine to machine (M2M) and Operational Control System (OCS). This contract establishes a follow-on M2M software development capability as well as responsibility to integrate body-worn power and data management components, radios, and other peripherals that connect to the kit and fall within the SWAK cyber-security boundary. The SEI contract will include procurement of End User Devices, and limited quantities of other components to support integration and assessments.
Full production and fielding quantities of most radios and peripherals will be procured by other contracts after initial integration. Full production and fielding quantities of most radios and peripherals will be procured by other contracts after initial integration. The Battlefield Air Operations (BAO) Family of Systems (FoS) Capabilities Development Document (CDD) was validated in 2018, further expanding the scope of the AFSOC requirement to other AFSOC Special Tactics career fields beyond just JTAC roles, introducing new requirements for both the SWAK and other mission equipment.