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US Navy Declares Declares IOC of Mine Countermeasures Mission (MCM) Package


US Navy Declares Declares IOC of Mine Countermeasures Mission (MCM) Package

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US Navy Declares Declares IOC of Mine Countermeasures Mission (MCM) Package
US Navy Declares Declares IOC of Mine Countermeasures Mission (MCM) Package

The U.S. Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) mine countermeasures mission package (MCM MP) and AN/AQS-20 Sonar Mine Detection Sets achieved initial operational capability (IOC), officials announced on May 1. IOC was declared by Vice Adm. Scott Conn, deputy chief of naval operations for warfighting requirements and capabilities (OPNAV N9). An integrated suite of unmanned maritime systems and sensors, the MCM MP counteracts mines in the littorals while increasing the host vessel’s standoff distance from the threat area. Embarked with the MCM MP, an LCS or a vessel of opportunity can conduct the full spectrum of detect-to-engage operations (hunt, neutralize, and sweep) against mine threats using sensors and weapons deployed from the MCM Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), an MH-60S multi-mission helicopter, and associated support equipment.

The Mine Countermeasures Mission Package (MCM MP) is loaded onto the USS Cincinnati (LCS 20) ahead of End-to-End Testing before Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E).
The Mine Countermeasures Mission Package (MCM MP) is loaded onto the USS Cincinnati (LCS 20) ahead of End-to-End Testing before Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E). (Photo by Ronnie Newsome, Panama City Division)

“Achieving IOC of the entire mine countermeasures mission package is the result of rigorous testing and evaluation of each component of the package and then integrating the systems and the mission to ensure the fleet is receiving the best MCM capabilities possible,” said Rear Adm. Casey Moton, program executive officer, unmanned and small combatants (PEO USC), which oversees the LCS mission modules program.

511 Tactical

“The declaration of the MCM MP and AQS-20 IOC is a significant accomplishment for the LCS Mission Modules program and the future of mine countermeasures,” said Capt. Godfrey Weekes, program manager of the LCS mission modules program office (PMS 420).

The mine countermeasures mission package (MCM MP) completed missions with the Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS).
The mine countermeasures mission package (MCM MP) completed missions with the Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS). (Photo by Ronnie Newsome, NSWC Panama City Division)

“Fielding the MCM MP on Independence-Class LCS is one of the top priorities for OPNAV N95 in order to deliver the capability to the warfighters forward in the fleet. Mine countermeasures are a critical enabler for the joint force and in safeguarding sea-lanes for the global commons. This new capability includes advanced technologies in unmanned systems, allowing greater standoff from the LCS platform as the ‘mothership,’ as well as providing greater precision and capacity while keeping our personnel out of the minefield, ” noted Brig. Gen. Marcus Annibale, director of Expeditionary Warfare (OPNAV N95) and resource sponsor for mine warfare.

The Mine Countermeasures Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MCM USV) in Minehunt configuration performs launch and recovery operations during Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E)
The Mine Countermeasures Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MCM USV) in Minehunt configuration performs launch and recovery operations during Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E). (Photo by Ronnie Newsome, NSWC Panama City Division)

The AN/AQS-20 is a mine hunting and identification system with sensors housed in an underwater towed body that integrates the Wideband Forward-Looking Sonar (WBFLS), two multi-function Side Look Synthetic Aperture Sonars (MFSLS), and Digital Gap Fill Sonar (DGFS) for the detection, classification, and localization of targets. The integration of the Electro-Optic Identification (EOID) sensor allows additional capability. Like the Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS), which achieved IOC in July of 2022, the AN/AQS-20 is towed from the MCM USV. The MCM MP IOC declaration follows rigorous initial operational testing and evaluation (IOT&E) of the full mission package, including the AN/AQS-20 system, during the fall of 2022 aboard USS Cincinnati (LCS 20). PEO Unmanned and Small Combatants designs, develops, builds, maintains and modernizes the Navy’s expanding family of unmanned maritime systems, mine warfare systems and small surface combatants.

Sailors conduct mine countermeasures (MCM) unmanned surface vessel (USV) launch and recovery (L&R) operations in the mission bay of the USS Cincinnati (LCS 20).
Sailors conduct mine countermeasures (MCM) unmanned surface vessel (USV) launch and recovery (L&R) operations in the mission bay of the USS Cincinnati (LCS 20). (Photo by Ronnie Newsome, NSWC Panama City Division)

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