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Thailand Initiates Light Howitzer Project with China’s 105 mm CS/AH2 Tehnology


Thailand Initiates Light Howitzer Project with China’s 105 mm CS/AH2 Tehnology

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Thailand Initiates Light Howitzer with China's 105 mm CS/AH2 Tehnology
Thailand Initiates Light Howitzer with China's 105 mm CS/AH2 Tehnology

Thailand’s Defence Technology Institute (DTI) has initiated a project to procure and develop technologies based around China’s 105 mm CS/AH2 light howitzer. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation on a joint research and development project of a 105mm CS/AH2 light howitzer between the Defence Technology Institute (DTI) and the Artillery Center, the Royal Thai Army (RTA) on March 15, 2023, which DTI Thailand published details on its social media on March 22, 2023. DTI Thailand has announced a contract with POLY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. People’s Republic of China for a joint research and development project to create a prototype light artillery, 105mm projectile, CS/AH2 type Phase 1, budget 48 million baht ($ 1,439,712).

Royal Thai Army still needs a new 105mm light howitzer to replace the old system that has been used for a long time and is obsolete, such as the M425 12 cylinders and the M618A2 32 cylinders built in Thailand. The CS/AH2 light artillery has the same system configuration as the BAE Systems M119 (L119) light artillery projectile, which is stationed in 31st Artillery Battalion, King’s Guard, 1st Artillery Regiment, King’s Guard, 1st Brigade, King’s Guard, assembled in Thailand, 22 guns. Also a 105mm towed light howitzer, NEXTER LG1 Mk III, France, stationed in the 11th Artillery Battalion 1st Artillery Regiment, King’s Guard, 1st Brigade, King’s Guard, 12 cylinders with Land Rover Defender 4×4 artillery tow trucks.

511 Tactical

The CS/AH2 105mm projectile light howitze is a Chinese artillery system manufactured by Norinco (China North Industries Group Corporation). Its main characteristic is that it has been designed to be lightweight, which allows greater tactical mobility. China obtained the Austrian 155 mm howitzer technology, alongside with technology of long-range ammunition. AH-2 is an improved version of the PLL-01 with 52-caliber. It has a longer range of fire. It has a more powerful auxiliary power unit, consisting of an air-cooled diesel engine, developing 110 hp. This howitzer has a maximum auto-propulsion speed of 20 km/h. This artillery system has been exported to Algeria and Ethiopia.

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