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US Army V Corps Launches European High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Initiative (EHI)


US Army V Corps Launches European High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Initiative (EHI)

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US Army V Corps Launches European High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Initiative (EHI)
US Army V Corps Launches European High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Initiative (EHI)

V Corps, in coordination with NATO allies and other U.S. stakeholders, is developing a multi-faceted approach to build alliance lethality, interoperability and field artillery expertise. The approach is centered on rocket artillery and is known as the European High Mobility Artillery Rocket System Initiative, or EHI. The EHI aims to bring together field artillery experts from nations that have procured HIMARS or have expressed interest in procuring the system. It consists of an initial senior leader summit, which is designed to educate key leaders on HIMARS capabilities and how to effectively man, train, sustain and fight with the weapon system.

Following the senior leader summit, there will be a series of leader engagements to increase knowledge on the operations and sustainment of HIMARS and associated systems; an apprenticeship program where foreign Soldiers embed with similar U.S. units; and when the U.S. government is prepared to deliver HIMARS to a specific country, New Equipment Training (NET) as part of the fielding package. While the summit and subsequent engagements are intended to take place across several central and eastern European countries, it is up to the nation receiving the equipment to determine where they will conduct the fielding.

511 Tactical
U.S. Army Pfc. William Buyan, a multiple launch rocket system crewmember, assigned to 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment, attached to 41st Field Artillery Brigade, U.S. Army Europe and Africa, dismounts a M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System before heading to the firing point during Nordic Strike 22 at Vidsel Test Range, Sweden
U.S. Army Pfc. William Buyan, a multiple launch rocket system crewmember, assigned to 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment, attached to 41st Field Artillery Brigade, U.S. Army Europe and Africa, dismounts a M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System before heading to the firing point during Nordic Strike 22 at Vidsel Test Range, Sweden. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Dean Johnson)

“HIMARS allow NATO allies and partners to rapidly mass fire from a distance, creating decision space, flexibility, and operational momentum to locations that would otherwise be difficult to achieve,” said Lt. Gen. John S. Kolasheski, V Corps commanding general. “This gives us an operational advantage over an adversary and is critical during large scale ground combat.”

Other U.S. organizations involved include the 41st Field Artillery Brigade, 4th Security Forces Assistance Brigade, 56th Artillery Command, U.S. Army Europe and Africa, and Division Artillery from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and 4th Infantry Division, along with supporting efforts from the U.S. Army Field Artillery School, and Program Executive Office – Missiles and Space. EHI is scheduled to begin this spring. As America’s forward deployed corps, V Corps works alongside NATO allies and regional security partners to provide combat-credible forces; executes joint, bilateral and multinational training exercises; and provides command and control for rotational and assigned units in the European theater while building local community relationships.

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