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Ground Warfare

ManTech Awarded US Army Contract to Support Mission-critical Systems and Vehicles


ManTech Awarded US Army Contract to Support Mission-critical Systems and Vehicles

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ManTech Awarded US Army Program Executive Office to Support Mission-critical Systems and Vehicles
ManTech Awarded US Army Program Executive Office to Support Mission-critical Systems and Vehicles

ManTech has won a five-year $862 million task order to provide full lifecycle maintenance support to mission-critical systems and vehicles for the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Office, Combat Support and Service Support (PEO CS & CSS) and its customers under the Allied Logistics Engineering Capabilities and Sustainment (ALECS) program. TACOM develops, produces and sustains the Army’s ground vehicle fleet globally. ManTech maintains and repairs MRAP vehicles and all-terrain vehicles for the U.S. Army. Since 2003, ManTech has supported the U.S. military’s mine-resistant route clearance vehicles (RCV) and other countermines/counter-IED systems and equipment.

David Hathaway, Executive Vice President and General Manager of ManTech’s Defense Sector said, “With nearly two decades of experience in supporting ground vehicle readiness on successive programs, we have proven our ability to deliver true ‘cradle-to-grave’ sustainment, maintenance and logistical support that ensures combat readiness for multiple families of vehicles. Our team of experts located across the globe have the know-how to apply sophisticated innovation that gives U.S. Forces and international partners the highest level of readiness in demanding, austere environments.”

511 Tactical
Mantech offer battle damage assessment and repair, field maintenance, forward repair, logistics analyses, and provisioning support services for the U.S. mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles.
Mantech offer battle damage assessment and repair, field maintenance, forward repair, logistics analyses, and provisioning support services for the U.S. mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles. (Photo by Mantech)

The Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) program is just one example of how ManTech provides advanced engineering and maintenance services to repair critical assets in the field. Keeping troops safe from injury is a national priority, and MRAPs and other innovative vehicles have saved many lives and secured many missions. ManTech teams also perform sustainment-level maintenance and equipment modifications and upgrades such as scheduled preventative vehicle repair, battle-damage assessment and repair, vehicle-hull armor repair, and ballistic welding.

ManTech provides mission-focused technology solutions and services for U.S. federal government agencies. In business more than 54 years, the company excel in full-spectrum cyber, data collection & analytics, enterprise IT, systems engineering and software application development solutions that support national and homeland security. ManTech’s diverse and quick-reaction services for major deployments include contingency support in areas of operation. We can dispatch teams for field support, field training exercises, and deployments, and have qualified staff and field support equipment ready to go.

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