The Israel’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) will deliver an armored ambulance to Ukrainian rescue forces in the coming hours, the first of 4 that are expected to be delivered in the coming months. The Ministry of Defense’s Directorate of Production and Procurement (DOPP) will deliver an armored ambulance to the Ukrainian rescue forces in the coming hours. Additional aid has been transferred to Ukraine since the war’s outbreak including thousands of helmets and protective vests for Ukrainian emergency and civilian organizations, dozens of protective suits for mine clearance, and CBRN filtering systems.
The Mercedes “Sprinter” ambulance is armored by the Israeli defense company Plasan. This is the first of four ambulances that the Israel’s Ministry of Defense is expected to deliver to Ukraine in the coming months. Plasan presented the first prototype based on the Mercedes Sprinter at the Eurosatory 2022 defense exhibition that was held in Paris, France. Plasan awarded contrcat order from the Israeli Ministry of Defense’ Procurement Manager to provide four ambulances protected against gunfire, equipped with full medical equipment, and ready to go on a mission.

The design of the Mercedes “Sprinter” ambulance was carried out by Plasan Re’em in collaboration with Colmobil, the importer of Mercedes to Israel and Polish automotive company Zeszuta. The Sprinter compartment provides a safe and flexible mobile space to carry a range of equipment and personnel. Improved maneuverability structural reinforcements, space-frame design and high-performance suspension systems deliver an improved payload capacity with a highly stiff body structure. Weight control and load stresses are controlled throughout the manufacturing process, from the design stage, through prototyping and assembly, to final inspection and regulatory testing.
The design includes structural reinforcements and redesigned heavy duty mechanisms while maintaining low profile for covert operations. Enable automatic or manual and there are dual-propulsion options as well as special vehicles with Obrigener improvements. The short and long wheelbase variants can accommodate different designs and applications; Command and Control, SWAT, SOF and transportation. From peace keeping and civilian transportation (up to 10 persons, GVW 5.5 ton) with armored sliding side door. The wheels are integrated with a run-flat system, and the ambulance can carry five passengers including a doctor, patients, and a rescue team.