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Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Demonstrate New Layered Missile Defense Capability


Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Demonstrate New Layered Missile Defense Capability

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Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Demonstrate New Layered Missile Defense Capability
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Demonstrate New Layered Missile Defense Capability

During a demonstration, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forc(JMSDF) successfully intercepted short and medium-range ballistic missile targets with SM-3® Block IB and SM-3 Block IIA interceptors. This is the first time a non-U.S. maritime service intercepted targets with both variants of interceptors and it is the first time a Japanese ship fired SM-3 Block IIA. The demonstration was conducted in partnership with the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA). The multi-day Japan Flight Test Aegis Weapon System-07 included engagements of ballistic missile targets with SM-3 and a next generation subsonic aerial target with SM-2 Block IIIB.

“This demonstration reinforces that partners now have greater capability with the Standard Missile family of interceptors,” said Tay Fitzgerald, president of Strategic Missile Defense at Raytheon Missiles & Defense. “Allies who use SM-3 can now cooperate more fully with the United States on ballistic missile defense missions.”

511 Tactical
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forc JS MAYA and  HAGURO successfully hit targets through SM3 launch tests to confirm BMD function in the vicinity of Hawaii. SM3BLK?A is U.S.-Japan bilateral development and the first launch by Japan, and symbolizes the high development capabilities of U.S-Japan as well as Ironclad Alliance.
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forc JS MAYA and HAGURO successfully hit targets through SM3 launch tests to confirm BMD function in the vicinity of Hawaii. SM3BLK?A is U.S.-Japan bilateral development and the first launch by Japan, and symbolizes the high development capabilities of U.S-Japan as well as Ironclad Alliance. (Photo by Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)

In support of the U.S.-Japan SM-3 Block IIA Cooperative Development (SCD) Project, Japanese industry and Raytheon Missiles & Defense cooperatively designed and built the SM- 3 Block IIA variant, the world’s most advanced sea-land ballistic missile defense interceptor. In contrast to earlier SM-3 versions, Block IIA’s larger rocket motors and increased kill vehicle capabilities allow for significantly greater range and performance against advanced missile threats. Both types of interceptors are made by Raytheon Missiles & Defense, a Raytheon Technologies (NYSE: RTX) business.

Raytheon Missiles & Defense brings global customers the most advanced end-to-end solutions delivering the advantage of one innovative partner to detect, track, and intercept threats. With a broad portfolio of air and missile defense systems, precision weapons, radars, command and control systems and advanced defense technologies Raytheon Missiles & Defense solutions protect citizens, warfighters and infrastructure in more than fifty countries around the world.

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