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Special Operations Command Europe Forces Participate in Noble Partner 22


Special Operations Command Europe Forces Participate in Noble Partner 22

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Special Operations Command Europe Forces Participate in Noble Partner 22
Special Operations Command Europe Forces Participate in Noble Partner 22

Special Operations Forces from the United States, allied and partner nations participated in Noble Partner 22 for the first time. Noble Partner 22 was conducted at the Vaziani and Camp Norio training areas near Tblisi, Georgia from Aug. 29 to Sep. 9, 2022. During Noble Partner 22, Special Operations Forces from Georgia, Poland, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, and the United States worked together to increase interoperability and hone the skills necessary to act as part of a coalition. This was the first time that Special Operations Forces have had a role in the exercise.

U.S. participation included elements from 2d Cavalry Regiment, 18th Military Police Brigade, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade, 7th Army Training Command, 21st Theater Sustainment Command, 409th Contracting Support Brigade, 598th Transportation Brigade, and the Georgia National Guard’s 122nd Tactical Support Detachment, 1-54th Security Force Assistance Battalion and 1-214th Field Artillery Battalion. Four AH-64D Apache Longbow and two HH-60 Black Hawk medevac helicopters, pilots, and crews from the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade also participated in exercise Noble Partner 22.

511 Tactical
Participating countries supporting Noble Parter 22 stand in formation during closing ceremonies of Noble Partner 22 at the 11th polygon of Vaziani, Georgia, Sept. 9, 2022.
Participating countries supporting Noble Parter 22 stand in formation during closing ceremonies of Noble Partner 22 at the 11th polygon of Vaziani, Georgia, Sept. 9, 2022. (Photo by Cpl. Tyreek Taylor/U.S. Army)

“Our cooperation and partnership [with the U.S.] is one of strong and growing dynamics aimed at strengthening our nation’s defense capability and resilience,” said Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, during closing ceremonies.

“12th CAB is here in Georgia training with our partners, the Georgian military, as well as other NATO allies and partners. Ultimately, we’re building readiness while also getting after interoperability, which is critical to the theater and our military,” said Col. Patrick Schuck, commander, 12 CAB.

Noble Partner 22 consisted of 2,400 service members from over 21 countries and was designed to enhance Georgian, regional ally, partner, and U.S. forces readiness. Participating nations included Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungry Japan, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. This was the sixth iteration of Noble Partner which is a cooperatively-led multinational training exercise between the Georgian Defence Forces (GDF) and U.S. Army Europe and Africa.

Three U.S. Army AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopters from the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade fire 2.75 folding fin rockets during a combined arms live fire demonstration during Noble Partner 22, at the Vaziani training area in the country of Georgia, Sept. 9, 2022
Three U.S. Army AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopters from the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade fire 2.75 folding fin rockets during a combined arms live fire demonstration during Noble Partner 22, at the Vaziani training area in the country of Georgia, Sept. 9, 2022. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Thomas Mort/U.S. Army)

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