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Denmark Becomes 15th Carl-Gustaf M4 Multi-role Man-portable Recoilless Rifle


Denmark Becomes 15th Carl-Gustaf M4 Multi-role Man-portable Recoilless Rifle

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Carl-Gustaf M4 Multi-role Man-portable Recoilless Rifle
Carl-Gustaf M4 Multi-role Man-portable Recoilless Rifle

Saab has received an order from the Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) for the Carl-Gustaf® M4 multi-role, man-portable Recoilless Rifle, making Denmark the 15th customer for the M4 version. Deliveries will take place in 2022. The Danish Armed Forces have been using Carl-Gustaf, which is designated Dysekanon in the country, since the 1970s. The Carl-Gustaf M4 increases tactical flexibility. Built to satisfy future requirements, it is compatible with advanced fire control devices and prepared for specialized ammunition, putting advanced technology at forces’ fingertips.

“We are ready to supply Denmark with Carl-Gustaf M4. The user-focused design of the Carl-Gustaf M4 will ensure the Danish forces that they will have what they need, when they need it,” says Görgen Johansson, head of Saab’s business area Dynamics.

511 Tactical
Saab Carl-Gustaf Ammunitions
Saab Carl-Gustaf Ammunitions

The Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifle, designated in Swedish service as the Granatgevär m/48 is an 84-mm man-portable reusable anti-tank weapon originally produced by Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori (that later was merged into Saab Bofors Dynamics) in Sweden. Developed in 1946, it was one of the many recoilless rifle designs of that era. While similar weapons have generally disappeared from service, the Carl-Gustaf is still in production and remains in widespread use today. The Carl-Gustaf is a lightweight, low-cost weapon that uses a wide range of ammunition, which makes it extremely flexible and suitable for a wide variety of roles.

Compared to the M3 MAAWS, the M4 is 3.4 kg (7.5 lb) lighter, weighing 6.6 kg (15 lb), and shorter with a 950 mm (37 in) overall length. The shorter length was in response to the need to wield the weapon in urban terrain, and weight savings were achieved through using lighter components whenever possible including a carbon fibre tube with titanium liner, as well as a new venturi design. Other new features include a red-dot sight, a travel safety catch to allow the M4 to be carried while loaded, an adjustable shoulder rest and forward grip for improved ergonomics, a shot counter to keep track of how many rounds have been fired to manage the weapon’s 1,000-round barrel life,[22] double that of the M3, picatinny rails for grips and sight mounts, and a remote round management function so intelligent sights can communicate with programmable rounds.[25][26]

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