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US Army Battalion Leads Multinational Force During Peace Support Operations in Kosovo


US Army Battalion Leads Multinational Force During Peace Support Operations in Kosovo

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US Army Battalion Leads Multinational Force During Peace Support Operations in Kosovo
US Army Battalion Leads Multinational Force During Peace Support Operations in Kosovo

The NATO mission in Kosovo involves bringing together military units from dozens of countries to work toward a common goal. These countries do not operate independently but rather as a single entity under a common command structure. One such command is the Maneuver Battalion of Kosovo Force’s Regional Command East, comprised of elements from the U.S., Latvia, Turkey and Poland, all under the command of a U.S. battalion headquarters from the Kentucky Army National Guard. Maintaining and building upon their relationships with multinational partners is an ongoing effort for the leaders of the Mountain Warriors, not just for senior battalion leaders but for all the Soldiers in the battalion.

“The multinational forces the (battalion) works with are top-notch and the best of the best. Language barriers are broken through by using a common knowledge of Soldier skills and expectations that our NATO partners are excellent in demonstrating. The battalion conducts multiple cultural briefs where each nation is invited to learn about the next through open discussion and food that represent the country. Multiple training events and competitions are scheduled throughout the week to build esprit de corps amongst Soldiers from each country,” said Sgt. Maj. Anthony T. Hughes, the operations sergeant major for 1st Battalion, 149th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 29th Infantry Division, and RC-East’s Maneuver Battalion.

511 Tactical
US Army Battalion Leads Multinational Force During Peace Support Operations in Kosovo
Soldiers from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland participated in medical evacuation, or MEDEVAC, training with U.S. Army Soldiers of the Blue Ridge Dustoff, Task Force Pegasus, at Camp Novo Selo, Kosovo, March 21, 2022. During the training, participants learned how to safely load patients onto helicopters while “spun up,” as well as what specialized equipment each MEDEVAC helicopter uses to treat and transport patients to a higher level of care. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Matthew Damon, 1-149 Inf. Bn.)

The mission of the Maneuver Battalion, headed by the 1-149 Inf. Bn., the “Mountain Warriors,” is to “conduct peace support operations in RC-East in order to maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement while supporting institutions in Kosovo, civil agencies, and humanitarian efforts to maintain conditions for continued civilian dialogue towards a political resolution. Leading peace support operations in Kosovo is unlike operations the infantry battalion has conducted in the past, which typically focused on counter-insurgency operational areas such as Iraq. Now, their mission involves ensuring a safe and secure environment is maintained as well as safeguarding the freedom of movement for the people of Kosovo.

This mission requires a different skill set than what a traditional infantry unit is accustomed to. Training on crowd riot control, mounted and dismounted patrols, and key leader engagements was a must prior to mobilization to ensure a baseline of the operational requirements were established and Soldiers were able to quickly adapt to mission sets upon arrival to Kosovo. The battalion’s preparation for their Kosovo mission required a shift from their traditional tasks to a more specific skillset needed for the unique nature of their Eastern European deployment, which started with the unit’s annual training at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, last summer. The battalion also, conducted two separate pre-mobilization annual training events, one in October and one in December. Each period allowed the battalion to focus on mandatory tasks along with the (Kosovo specific) focused training.

US Army Battalion Leads Multinational Force During Peace Support Operations in Kosovo
U.S. Army Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 149th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 29th Infantry Division, Kentucky National Guard, conducted weapon familiarization training on the Latvian primary weapon systems under the tutelage of Kosovo Force’s Latvian Contingent at Camp Novo Selo, Kosovo, April 23, 2022. As part of the Regional Command East, Kosovo Force’s Maneuver Battalion, Soldiers from multiple NATO nations work together to allow partner nations’ armed forces to develop interoperability and enhance capabilities. (U.S. Army photos by Sgt. Alexander Hellmann, 1-149 Inf. Bn.)

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