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Elbit Systems to Provide M339 HE-MP-T Ammunition for Swedish Stridsvagn 122 Main Battle Tanks


Elbit Systems to Provide M339 HE-MP-T Ammunition for Swedish Stridsvagn 122 Main Battle Tanks

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Swedish Army Stridsvagn 122 Main Battle Tanks
Swedish Army Stridsvagn 122 Main Battle Tanks

Elbit Systems Ltd. announced that it was awarded a contract for approximately $27 million by the Swedish Defence Material Administration, to provide the Swedish Armed Forces with M339 HE-MP-T Tank Cartridge rounds, a 120mm ammunition, and Data Setting Units, for its Stridsvagn 122 (Leopard 2) Main Battle Tanks (MBTs). The contract will be performed over ten months. Suitable for all NATO 120mm smoothbore gun MBTs, the M339 is a high-accuracy, multi-purpose 120mm tank ammunition that complies with the applicable standards of the U.S. Military and NATO. The Swedish Armed Forces selected the M339 to improve the firepower and the ability of the battle tanks to engage different types of targets.

Stridsvagn 122 (Strv 122) is a Swedish main battle tank based on the German Leopard 2 improved variant, just like the German Leopard 2A5, utilizing newer technology such as command-, control-, and fire-control systems, as well as reinforced armor and long-term combat capacity. Externally, the vehicle can be distinguished from the Leopard 2A5 by the French GALIX smoke dispensers, different storage bins, and the thicker crew hatches. The Strv 122B, has been equipped with modular AMAP composite armor from IBD Deisenroth to give “360° protection” against threats such as explosively formed penetrators, rocket-propelled grenades, and improvised explosive devices. The Stridsvagn 122 was designed to fight in Swedish conditions including heavily forested areas as well as urban terrain.

511 Tactical
M339 High Explosive Multi-Purpose Tracer tank cartridge (HE-MP-T)
M339 High Explosive Multi-Purpose Tracer tank cartridge (HE-MP-T)

The M339 High Explosive Multi-Purpose Tracer tank cartridge (HE-MP-T) is the ultimate multi-purpose tank ammunition for field and urban warfare. The M339 HE-MP-T or Hatzav round was developed by IMI Systems following the lessons learned from the Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead, where the existing “Halolan” munition was not efficient enough for dealing with enemy forces operating out of buildings and fortifications, especially in populated areas. The Hatzav which belongs to the same family as the Rakefet and Kalanit munition can be fired at ranges of up to 5 km, or about 3 miles. Suitable for all NATO 120mm smoothbore guns (L44 and L55) main battle tans, the M339 is a high-accuracy, multi-purpose 120mm tank ammunition that complies with NATO STANAG requirements.

The cartridge destroys bunkers, field fortification, urban structures, LAVs, and APC with medium protection armor and is highly lethal against dismounted infantry. The M339 is capable of penetrating 200mm double-reinforced concrete walls and operating the warhead with delay. The programmable, multifunctional fuze has three modes of operation: Point Detonation Delay (PDD), Point Detonation (PD), and Air Burst (AB). The M339 complies with MIL-SPEC requirements and NATO STANAG 4385 and 4493. The M339 is designed for use with Leopard 2A4/A5/A6, Ariete, K1A1/A2, K2, M1A1/A2, M60A3, Merkava 3 & 4, and other 120mm Main Battle Tanks.

 Swedish Army Stridsvagn 122 Main Battle Tanks
Swedish Army Stridsvagn 122 Main Battle Tanks

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