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Ukroboronprom’s Zhytomyr Armour Plant Destroyed by Air Strike


Ukroboronprom’s Zhytomyr Armour Plant Destroyed by Air Strike

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The open source intelligence group Janes reported Ukroboronprom’s Zhytomyr Armour Plant was destroyed and three people were killed, according to CNN reports on 6 March. Media said it had authenticated a geolocated video posted on Telegram showing the levelled plant to support Russian claims of ‘demilitarising’ Ukraine. The Russian military have launched an air strike on Zhytomyr Armored Plant, leaving people wounded and killed. In Zhytomyr Region, the aggressor state is not only shelling military infrastructure but destroying civil infrastructure as well. In particular, lyceum No. 25 was destroyed in a direct missile strike, which is not related to the military sector in any way.

A Ukroboronprom spokesperson would not confirm to Janes on 7 March the destruction of the plant but said the conglomerate’s enterprises “are currently operating in intensive mode. The information on the status of the enterprises is classified”. Although it did not admit to the destruction of the Zhytomyr Armour Plant, Ukroboronprom announced on its website on 27 February that Russian forces destroyed the An-225, the largest aircraft in the world, on 24 February at Antonov’s airfield in Hostomel near Kyiv, where it was undergoing maintenance. Ukroboronprom said restoring the aircraft would cost more than USD3 billion and take more than five years.

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The Zhytomyr Armoured Plant is a state enterprise, part of the Ukroboronprom concern, and specialises in the manufacturing, capital repairs and modernisation of armoured vehicles and equipment: BMP-1 and BMP-1M, BMP-2 and BMP-2K, BMD-1, BMD-2, GM-575, GM-568, GM-578, BREM-2, BTR-50PK, BTR-D, BRDM-2. The enterprise also performs major overhaul of certain units (in particular, diesel engines UTD-20, 5D20-240, ?-2 and ?-6, ?2-500, ?-55, ???-236/238/240) and also manufactures spare parts for non-standard and park equipment for troops and repair factories. The company is a leading Ukrainian enterprise engaged in the overhaul and deep modernisation of tracked military equipment (infantry and landing combat vehicles) and carries out licensed production of modern combat modules for the BMP.

Ukroboronprom (UOP) is an association of multi-product enterprises (conglomerate or concern) in various sectors of the defense industry of Ukraine. Ukroboronprom said in a statement on 28 February that its enterprises had transferred military equipment, including more than 50 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, and tanks; more than 45 special, cargo, and passenger vehicles; 574 mortars and grenade launchers; more than 170 other weapons; 600 missiles; 105,000 rounds of ammunition; and 12,000 explosive devices to the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the Territorial Defence Forces, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and other law-enforcement agencies.

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