The newest B-19 Combat Ground Vehicle, equipped with the Epoch (Epokha) remote control turret, feature a 57-mm autocannon, Kornet anti-tank guided missiles, and the new Bulat missile system, designed for the elimination of emplacements and lightly armored vehicles. The B-19 is a Combat Ground Vehicle version of BMP-3 with the Epoch which can be armed with a variety of combat modules. The newest B-19 was used for infantry fire support during the Zapad-2021 military exercise in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. This combat ground vehicle is a stop-gap between the BMP-3 and the Kurganet-25, which is still too expensive for Russia to be bought in great number.
Epoch’s key feature is an automated search and recognition system that tracks enemy objects and provides a firing solution for the simultaneous or consequential use of two-weapon channels. Epoch was developed in the Tula Instrument Design Bureau. In the initial version, it was equipped with a 30 mm automatic cannon, a 7,62 machine gun, and an anti-tank complex. In the future, it was decided to replace the weapons complex, primarily the guns. Instead of the 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon, it was proposed to install an LSHO-57 low ballistics automatic cannon. Its development was reported back in 2013.

The 9M133 Kornet (“Cornet”, NATO reporting name AT-14 Spriggan, export designation Kornet-E) is a modern Russian man-portable anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) intended for use against main battle tanks. It was first introduced into service by the Russian army in 1998. The Kornet is among the most capable Russian ATGMs. It is not intended to fully replace previous systems, due to its high cost. The Kornet comes in variants with thermobaric warheads for use against soft targets. It was further developed into the 9M133 Kornet-EM, which has increased range, and an improved warhead. It was first used in combat in 2003 and has since been used in many conflicts.
The Bulat is a new small and compact, guided missile system being developed by KBP to meet the requirements of the Russian Army. The missile system is intended for use on the Epokha unmanned turret for infantry. Bulat is not a system but a small-size lightweight guided missile that can be used in various systems to complement heavy Kornets anti-tank guided missiles. The missile aimed to target light armored vehicles. The guided-missile system was showcased along with the Epokha turret at the Army 2017 exhibition near Moscow in August 2017. The Bulat was undergoing final tests in August 2020 and its primary mission will be to complement the Kornet anti-tank guided missile.