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Senop to Develop Night Vision Sensors for Finnish Army CV9030 Infantry Fighting Vehicles


Senop to Develop Night Vision Sensors for Finnish Army CV9030 Infantry Fighting Vehicles

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Senop Oy has received an order for the development of night vision sensors for the Finnish CV9030 Infantry Fighting Vehicles. Earlier this summer the Finnish Ministry of Defence announced that the CV9030 fleet will be upgraded in the coming years and this order is part of the CV9030 mid-life extension. The value of the order is significant, and the deliveries will take place over several years. Senop is responsible for the development of the reserve sight and barrel camera.

Senop builds new capabilities by tailoring solutions according customer’s specific needs and requirements. Senop’s Defence & Security portfolio consist of high-performance image intensifiers, night sights, intelligent thermal sights, handheld target acquisition and observation systems, vehicle camera systems, hyperspectral cameras, and multipurpose container-based platform solutions.

511 Tactical

[/caption]Finnish Army CV9030 Infantry Fighting VehicleFinnish Army CV9030 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Photo by Maavoimat)[/caption]

“With the order, Senop’s product portfolio will grow with two new products, which will also open up completely new business opportunities in the future. This order shows that we have the know-how and competence to develop and manufacture sensors for heavy military vehicles, such as main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles”, says Aki Korhonen, Managing Director of Senop. Korhonen emphasizes that this development work will be done in close cooperation with the CV9030 FIN end users.

The Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90) is a family of Swedish tracked combat vehicles designed by Sweden’s Defense Materiel Administration (Försvarets Materielverk, FMV), Hägglunds and Bofors during the mid-1980s to early 1990s, entering service in Sweden in the mid-1990s. In November 2000, Finland ordered 57 CV9030 vehicles. In June 2004, Finland made another purchase, bringing the overall quantity ordered to 102. Currently, 1,280 vehicles in 15 variants are in service with seven user nations, four of which are NATO members, under BAE Systems Hägglunds AB.

Finnish Army CV9030 Infantry Fighting Vehicles
Finnish Army CV9030 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Photoby Esa Muikku/Senop)

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