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Lockheed Martin’s Precision Strike Missile (PrSM)


Lockheed Martin’s Precision Strike Missile (PrSM)

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The Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) is Lockheed Martin next-generation, long-range precision-strike missile designed for the U.S. Army’s PrSM program. This new surface-to-surface weapon system will deliver enhanced capabilities to attack, neutralize, suppress and destroy targets using missile-delivered indirect fires out to 499+ kilometers. PrSM provides the Joint Force Commander with increased range, lethality, survivability and missile load out. PrSM will replace the existing aged inventory of non-Insensitive Munitions and Cluster Munition policy compliant Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS).

Lockheed Martin’s PrSM missile contains an insensitive munition (IM) propulsion system and IM energetic payload capable of defeating the PrSM target set. It also features an open systems architecture design for maximum affordability and flexibility, is modular for future growth and HIMARS and M270 compatible. PrSM provides field artillery units with long range and deep strike capability while supporting brigade, division, corps, Army, theater, joint/coalition forces and Marine Air-Ground Task Forces in full, limited or expeditionary operations. These enhanced capabilities are critical to the successful execution of Fires in support of Multi-Domain Operations.

511 Tactical
Lockheed Martin's Precision Strike Missile (PrSM)
Lockheed Martin’s PrSM missile was tested for a third time at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, on April 30, 2020. (Photo by Lockheed Martin)

The U.S. Army held a third test for Lockheed Martin’s precision strike missile, or PrSM, firing it out of a HIMARS launcher at White Sands Missile Range, in New Mexico, on April 30, 2020. Future testing will look at longer ranges, and Army Futures Command is examining what officials actually want the PrSM missile to do, including engaging moving armored vehicles at extended ranges. A maximum range shot will occur in roughly one year. The missile performed as expected and as required in every way, as it had in two previous tests. At this point, Lockheed is the only competitor vying to replace the Army Tactical Missile System after Raytheon exited the competition in March. Being down to one competitor might not be permanent.

The request for proposals the U.S. Army put out asked for a range of 499 kilometers, but the service anticipates the final range will exceed 500 kilometers in light of the United States’ withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. And because the PrSM missile will be shot out of the same HIMARS launchers used by the ATACMS system it’s intended to replace, the U.S. Army expects to save money. Operating with the PrSM missile should be a smooth transition for soldiers already used to working on the ATACMS system. Though there will be some changes to techniques, tactics and procedures, U.S. Army rocket crews will be using much of the same software, computers and platforms.

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