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Ukrainian Ground Forces to Receive 75 BTR-4E “Bucephalus” 8×8 Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles


Ukrainian Ground Forces to Receive 75 BTR-4E “Bucephalus” 8×8 Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles

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The Ukrainian Army (Sukhoputni Viys’ka) is purchasing a new tranche of 75 BTR-4E (Bronetransporter 4E) “Bucephalus” (Butsefal) 8×8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles designed in Ukraine by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (SOE KMDB). The new deal also covers the production of one BTR-4K command vehicle and one BREM-4RM armored recovery vehicle. The BTR-4E was developed entirely in Ukraine. According to state concern UkrOboronProm, almost 80 BTR-4Es enhanced the capabilities of the Ukrainian Army during military operations in the east of the country. This is a new development of 8×8 armored vehicle which is not based to Russian technology of wheeled combat vehicle as the BTR-80 family.

The BTR-4E is a more flexible design than the older BTR-60/70/80s as the changed layout makes it easier to adapt the vehicle to specialized roles. The vehicle can be armed according to customer requirements. The prototype is armed with the locally designed New Armament Module which is armed with one 30mm automatic cannon, 7.62mm coaxial machine-gun, up to four 9P135M Konkurs or Baryer anti-tank missiles (two on each side of the turret), and one 30mm automatic grenade launcher (fitted in place of the AT missiles on one left-hand side of the turret). It can also be fitted with different turret weapons modules: the GROM module, SHKVAL module, and the BAU 23×2 module.

511 Tactical
Ukrainian Ground Forces BTR-4E "Bucephalus" 8x8 Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles
Ukrainian Ground Forces BTR-4E “Bucephalus” 8×8 Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Standard equipment of BTR-4E includes heater, night vision, automatic fire suppression, a central tire inflation system, a winch with a maximum capacity of 9 tones and NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection systems. The driver is equipped with one white lamp and an infrared lamp located on the left side of its front window. There is an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) in a storage box mounted in the middle of the right side hull which is used to power the weapon station when the main engine is stopped. The vehicle is also equipped with a navigation system SN-3003E Bazal satellite system with an antenna located near the hatch of the commander.

The BTR-4E has a maximum speed of 110 km/h and can cross water obstacles at a speed of 10 km/h. The BTR-4 is fully amphibious and can cross water obstacles at a maximum speed of 10 km/h thanks to two propellers mounted at the rear of the hull. The vehicle is powered by a 3TD diesel engine with 500 hp. It was reported to being hit by several rpg rounds and multiple small-arms fire with no consequences. Slat armor can be fitted for maximum protection against RPG attacks. The vehicle has a conventional layout similar to western designs like the German TPz Fuchs with the driver’s and commander’s compartment at the front part of the hull, the engine and transmission compartment in the middle, and the troop compartment at the rear.

Ukrainian Ground Forces BTR-4E "Bucephalus" 8x8 Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles
Ukrainian Ground Forces BTR-4E “Bucephalus” 8×8 Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles

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