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Finnish Army Validates M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Capabilities During Firing Tests


Finnish Army Validates M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Capabilities During Firing Tests

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The Finnish Defence Forces has increased its readiness for long-range fires. The Finnish Army conducted test firing to validate the effectiveness and precision of the Multiple Launch Rocket System ammunition in Rovajärvi on 16-17 November 2020. The Finnish Army successfully conducted the test firing to validate the effectiveness and precision of the multiple launch rocket system GMLRS (Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System) Unitary rockets for point effects precision fire, and that of GMLRS AW (Alternative Warhead) rockets for engaging area targets for area effects in long-range fires. The multiple launch rocket system is part of the Finnish Defence Forces’ system for joint effects with capability for engaging located targets from land, sea and air.

The test firing was conducted to test the Army and Air Force long-range standoff fires capabilities for joint effects on the same target. The firing also involved testing forward observation and validating the effectiveness of the fire. The multiple launch rocket system GMLRS ammunition supplements the Finnish Defence Forces’ array of joint effects. With a range of approximately 80 kilometres, the GLMRS Unitary rocket explodes on target, whereas the GMLRS AW projectile with area effects spreads fragmentation exploding above the target. The test firing is part of the systematic development of Army fires and effects.

511 Tactical

Lockheed Martin received a $45.3 million contract to upgrade 22 Finnish Army M270 (called 298 RsRakH 06) Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) launchers, incorporating the Universal Fire Control System and other enhancements. The utilisation of the multiple launch rocket system purchased in 2006 is now increasingly effective and with access to a more versatile selection of munition. The upgrade enables the launchers to fire precision GPS-guided munitions for the first time. The decision on procuring the multiple launch rocket system GMLRS ammunition dates back to 2016. The procurement acquisition provides the Army with a capability for new wide-ranging effects. The Finnish Army M270D1 vehicles used for long-range strikes against enemy reserves, command posts, and combat support organizations up to operational depth at the point of main effort.

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