Precision Remotes (PRL) has teamed with General Dynamics Land Systems to develop one of the first successful wireless remotely controlled weaponized robots, W-MUTT (Weaponized manned-unmanned utility transport). PRL has been developing and manufacturing Remotely Operated Weapon Stations (ROWS) and surveillance platforms since 1998, providing a powerful protection capability in any operational environment. GDLS and PRL both have a long history of government and commercial partnerships that have given them the robotic functional knowledge needed to create the W-MUTT. PRL’s ultra-light TRAP T-360 RWS’ design, specifically meets the general characteristics for a remotely controlled Infantry squad armament that presently (or easily engineered) integrates with Army assets: land vehicle platforms and fixed-site installations. The TRAP T360 provides a real and cost-effective solution that delivers dependable and repeatable results with extreme accuracy with less weight, reduced profile, and minimal setup time regardless of the mission requirement.

Precision Remotes has evolved the weapon system by designing, developing, testing, resulting in the premier suite of robotic weapon technologies. PRL’s “vetted” suite of ROWS called TRAP (Tele-Present Rapid Aiming Platform), offers the U.S. Military flexibility to apply robotic TRAP technology into their rapidly evolving mission needs in minutes with the versatility to deploy either heavy or light, small arms capabilities in seconds. General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) develops automated systems for a broad range of commercial and government programs. Precision Remotes are a recognized leader in the design of tactical robotics and advanced automation systems for military, government, and industrial markets. GDLS also designs and builds sophisticated sensors, sensor processing, command and control, and electromechanical systems that enable autonomous vehicle operations. Designed for forward deployed, dismounted small units that can benefit from the robotic transport of equipment and supplies in all types of terrain.

The warfighter will be able to bring robotically controlled sustainable firepower with the M2 heavy machine gun on an enemy out to 1200 meters away while having cover from enemy fire. The Squad would benefit from having the M2 automated and remotely controlled, thereby increasing its force protection during its engagements with enemy forces and positions. The General Dynamics’ Mutt would increase fires accuracy on the battlefield with a variety of sensors on the Mutt and the T360 including Laser Rangefinder, Thermal Camera vision, day camera and live video feed, CBRNE sensors, and mine detection. The MUTT also can pull a small trailer carrying an additional resupply of ammunition and other Classes of Supplies reducing the burden on troops and decrease the time and resources required to support tactical operations.

Operational Description: T360 A4 M2
Ultra-light (80lbs for the M2 with controller) mounts/dismounts in minutes.
Send/receive standard digital messages, targeting data, and streaming video accept commands from radar.
GPS/Laser Ranger Finder integrated.
Slew-to-cue moves or prompts gunner to move the weapon system to azimuth/grid location.
Multiple fire controls to choose from accepts moving target cue that detects and prompts gunner to target.
The weapon is installed, zeroed, and ready for Squad support by fire missions within minutes. Compared with currently fielded CROWSs, the T360 offers 80% less weight, a 50% reduction in profile, and a powerful, compact fire control platform.
Multiple safeties designed for fire control to ensure the operator’s field of fires and direction of fire, and a remote cut off switch is available for leader oversight/override.