Defense Career
Ground Warfare

Australian Army Assegai 155mm Artillery Ammunition


Australian Army Assegai 155mm Artillery Ammunition

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Australian Army Assegai 155mm Artillery Ammunition
Australian Army Assegai 155mm Artillery Ammunition

Assegai is the Future Artillery Ammunition selected by Australian Army. Australian company NIOA distributes and supports the ‘Assegai’ (meaning spear or javelin like weapon) suite of 155mm Artillery Ammunition. The Assegai suite offers modern advanced 155mm projectiles integrated with a family of common component fuzes, modern Modular Charge Systems (MCS) and an enhanced and proven Percussion Primer. NIOA’s close partnership with Rheinmetall Denel Munitions (RDM), Nitrochemie and Junghans Defence enabled an expedited manufacturing schedule to be implemented for the various components of the munitions which include, HE, Training and Illum rounds, modular propellant charges, primers and high performance fuzes.

Rheinmetall’s family of 155mm ASSEGAI artillery ammunition comprises insensitive ammunition and conventional HE rounds as well as smoke/obscurant, illumination, infrared/illumination and other projectiles. In ballistic terms, all members of the ASSEGAI family are identical. This assures that they are all able to attain their full range of around 40 kilometres. Standard ASSEGAI rounds feature a conventional boat tail assembly. To boost their range, the customer can replace this assembly with a base bleed module, even under field conditions. With a barrel length of 39 calibres, an ASSEGAI BB projectile attains a range of over 30 kilometres. Fired from a 52-calibre barrel, the range can exceed 40 kilometres. The ASSEGAI ammunition family complies fully with the NATO Joint Ballistics Memorandum of Understanding and is qualified in accordance with STANAG norms.

511 Tactical

The Assegai Suite comprises:
Projectiles (M2000 HE (Boat Tail and Base Bleed), M0121 HE (Boat Tail and Base Bleed), M0603 IHE PFF (Boat Tail) M0121A2 IHE (Boat Tail and Base Bleed), M0256 IHE PFF VLAP M2000 HES (Boat Tail and Base Bleed), M2000 PRAC (Boat Tail and Base Bleed), M2002 SMK (Boat Tail and Base Bleed), RH2002 SMK (Boat Tail and Base Bleed),M0236 IR Illum (Boat Tail and Base Bleed), M2003 VL Illum (Boat Tail and Base Bleed)) MCS (Modular Charge DM82A1 Low Zone, Modular Charge DM92 High Zone, Modular Charge M91A3 Low Zone, Modular Charge M92A2 High Zone) and Fuze System (Fuze Point Detonating PD544, Fuze Point Detonating L166 Super Quick, Fuze Multi-Option L166, Fuze Expulsion L163) and Primer (M82A2 Primer).

Established in 1973, NIOA has grown to become Australia’s largest supplier of firearms, optics, ammunition and accessories to the Australian shooter. NIOA represents in excess of 50 international suppliers including household names like, Federal and CCI ammunition, Ruger, Anschutz, Leupold, Bushnell, Colt, Glock and many more world renowned shooting industry companies. NIOA mission is to continue to provide industry leading practise in the delivery, customer service, technical support, aftersales service and warranty back-up for every brand we represent.

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