Combined Resolve XIV finished as U.S. Army units and multinational forces conducted the exercise’s final battle Sept. 26 at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels Training Area, Germany. The exercise was an opportunity for the Spartan Brigade, based out of Fort Stewart, Georgia, to build interoperability with other U.S. Army units and multinational partners and allies while training in Europe. Combined Resolve XIV was a Headquarters Department of the Army directed, multinational exercise designed to build 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division’s readiness and enhance interoperability with allied forces to fight and win.

“Combined Resolve XIV was executed in complex field conditions with increased weather effects that truly tested our ability to partner and communicate effectively over a two-week period,” said Col. Terry Tillis, 2nd ABCT, 3rd Inf. Div. Commander. “The entire force executed multiple repetitions focused on both offensive and defensive missions making the combined force a much more interoperable and effective force. Exercises like Combined Resolve XIV increase interoperability and build enduring personal relationships to better partner for future missions to deter regional aggression.”

The 1st Cavalry Division Forward leaders also said that exercise strengthened interoperability in the higher command, or HICON. Joint Multinational Readiness Center personnel executed the exercise in Hohenfels Training Area. JMRC is one of the 7th Army Training Command’s directorates and operates the U.S. Army’s only Europe-based combat training center. The directorate provides a realistic, complex operational environment for training audiences. JMRC leaders continued with ensuring safe training and operations in a COVID-19 environment. The exercise planners implemented mitigation measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

These measures included personnel wearing personal protective equipment such as gloves and eyewear and maintaining physical distancing.Combined Resolve XIV finished Sept. 30. These measures, allowed for all participants to carry out their roles in exercise safely with minimal impact to exercise operations. Other units participating in the Combined Resolve XIV were 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 407th Civil Affairs Battalion, the Nevada National Guard, and 3rd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment of the Georgia National Guard. Participating nations included France, Italy, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Ukraine.