Defense Career
Naval Warfare

Iranian Navy Receives Unidentified Submersible Vehicles


Iranian Navy Receives Unidentified Submersible Vehicles

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The official Iranian news agency IRNA reported on May 28, 2020, that the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy took delivery of 112 fast attack boats during a ceremony that was held in the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas. In a ceremony, large unmanned underwater vehicle and manned submersible made its first public appearance. The mystery unmanned vessel could either be a mini-submarine or a large UUV. Sail has sensor masts and possible diesel engine snorkel. The manned submersible used to deliver combat frogmen and their equipment for special operations missions.

Iranian Navy Receives Unidentified Submersible Vehicles
Iranian Navy Receives Unidentified Submersible Vehicles (Photo IRNA)

The Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy or Iranian Navy consists of 20,000 marines and 1,500 boats and fast attack boats separate from the regular Navy of Artesh assuming control over Iranian maritime operations in the Persian Gulf. Miltary experts recognizes the Iranian Navy as the resuscitator of fast inshore attack craft (FIAC) in the modern era, as well as the most prominent practitioner of “small boat swarm tactics that combine speed, mass, co-ordinated manoeuvre, low radar signature, and concealment” among naval forces of the world. It is more akin to a guerrilla force at sea, and maintains large arsenals of coastal defense and anti-ship cruise missiles and mines.

Iranian Navy Receives Unidentified Submersible Vehicles
Iranian Navy Receives Unidentified Submersible Vehicles (Photo IRNA)

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