Defense Career
Naval Warfare

US Navy Installs Next-Gen Network on USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)


US Navy Installs Next-Gen Network on USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)

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Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) Enterprise efficiently and effectively completed a major upgrade and installed a new baseline of the Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) in record time, April 1, on USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) while forward deployed in Japan. The CANES program is the Navy’s next generation tactical afloat network. CANES represents the consolidation and enhancement of five shipboard legacy network programs to provide a common computing environment for more than 40 command, control, intelligence and logistics applications.

To rapidly meet changing warfighter requirements, technical experts across NAVWAR enterprise worked together to deliver CANES Hardware Version 1.2 and Software Version 3.0 (HW 1.2/SW 3) to Reagan, strengthening network infrastructure, improving security, reducing the existing hardware footprint and decreasing total ownership costs. This effort, led by NAVWAR Fleet Readiness Directorate Installation Program Office (FRD 200), Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific Yokosuka and Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (PEO C4I) and Space Systems, included support from:
–Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic
–Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Services (PEO EIS)
–Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS)
–Naval Ship Repair Facility (SRF)
–Japan Regional Maintenance Center (JRMC)
–Naval Air Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet (AIRPAC)
–Naval Network Warfare Command (NAVNETWARCOM)

511 Tactical

Despite logistical, technical and current coronavirus challenges, NAVWAR enterprise successfully completed this comprehensive software reload and technical refresh with intensive C4I alterations in less than four and a half months, resulting in the fastest installation on a force level ship to date, returning valuable time to the warfighter. The overall effort included the installation of 52 racks of equipment across the platform and an upgrade of over 2,400 workstations throughout the ship. These innovations – along with automation – resulted in minimal downtime for sailors who still needed to perform their regular duties, even during the installation period.

CANES HW1.2/SW3.0 provides an afloat, modern data center utilizing hyper converged infrastructure and software defined storage along with a new systems management suite that significantly improves usability and sustainability for the fleet. Additionally, the new CANES HW1.2/SW3.0 provides users with training in a virtual environment, increasing the number of users with access to CANES training from 240 to 840 users annually. NAVWAR enterprise has installed CANES HW1.2/SW3.0 on 5 ships, with plans to upgrade over 100 ships and submarines to the new baseline. Moving forward, NAVWAR will continue to focus on delivering systems that paces evolving technology and threats while delivering unparalleled capability to the warfighter for years to come.

 USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and USS Boxer (LHD 6) sail in formation while conducting security and stability operations in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations. U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest numbered fleet in the world, and the U.S. Navy has operated in the Indo-Pacific region for more than 70 years, providing credible, ready forces to help preserve peace and prevent conflict. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Erwin Jacob V. Miciano)
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and USS Boxer (LHD 6) sail in formation while conducting security and stability operations in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations. U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest numbered fleet in the world, and the U.S. Navy has operated in the Indo-Pacific region for more than 70 years, providing credible, ready forces to help preserve peace and prevent conflict. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Erwin Jacob V. Miciano)

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