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Capabilities to Enhance Threat Awareness, Understanding and Response (CENTAUR)


Capabilities to Enhance Threat Awareness, Understanding and Response (CENTAUR)

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After testing a prototype system last summer, the Department of Defense plans to return to Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) for the next six years to continue outdoor testing of a complex chemical and biological agent detector.
Up to 50 visiting civilian and military personnel will spend weeks at DPG during this summer’s test, operating the Capabilities to Enhance Threat Awareness, Understanding and Response (CENTAUR) in authentic challenges.
CENTAUR is a collection of detection, monitoring and communication equipment, working together to warn of impending chemical, biological or radiological (CBR) threats.
Test Officer Jeff Poor of the Combat Capabilities Development Command, a tenant unit on DPG, said testing will mirror last year’s: two weeks of integration assessment, to ensure all systems work together properly, followed by three weeks of integration data collection and user feedback, to include simulated attacks.
“This is an ongoing effort to improve chemical and biological defenses,” Poor said. “As features are added, (the customer) can add features they want to test to ensure it works before overseas deployment.”
CENTAUR is overseen by the Joint Program Executive Office – Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Detection, based in Maryland.

Capabilities to Enhance Threat Awareness, Understanding and Response (CENTAUR)
Some systems comprising the CENTAUR, in the field, during the 2019 test. An instrumentation tower supports the test, while a combination of CENTAUR detection, monitoring and communication equipment is challenged with simulated chemical biological or radiological (CBR) threats. The CENTAUR system was also tested by Soldiers challenged by real-world scenarios, requiring them to make real-time decisions based on what CENTAUR provided. Photos by Mario Sandoval, Dugway Scientific Technical Photographer

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