The “KMPV” is a 4×4 wheel armored vehicle for wide range of Armed Forces, Police and Law Enforcement special operations. Especially the “KMPV” is built on the self-developed special chassis with independent suspension system. The Black Shark is equipped with a all steel armor construction, high protection level with Mine/IED protection, independent suspension, run-flat tire system, interlocking door lock system, around view monitoring system, thermal camera system and electrical turret system.

Kovico, the armored vehicle manufacturer in Korea, has developed the latest armored vehicle “KMPV’ based on Kovico own developed chassis. This self-developed special chassis obtained KOLAS certificate by Agency for Defense Development(ADD) where all the military vehicles are tested & certified in. It matches Full NIJ Level IV protection with armored steel only, and is certified TNT 6 kg of Mine/IED protection as well. Mine and IED blast tests in accordance with VPAM ERV2010 and STANAG 4569 by German Test Institute – iABG.

Armor Kovico is the the south korea leading manufacturer of automobile industry. Since 1967 Kovico has manufactured various types of military vehicles for Republic of Korea Armed Forces, and also for commercial auto parts for commercial vehicles makers. Armor Kovico was born to be in charge of exclusive supplying armored vehicles not only for International Police Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies but also for Armed Forces. Armor Kovico also manufactures special purpose vehicles such as Mobile Hospital Units and Mobile Post Units etc.