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WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer


WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer

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Dana (wz. 77) 152 mm Self-Propelled Howitzer is one of the older armament systems operated by the Polish Army. Despite the fact that the system faces a number of effectiveness-related limitations, when it comes to the contemporary operational context, the system remains accurate, reliable and it is well known in Poland. And because all of the aforesaid factors, certain plans for modifying this platform have been made. The systems based on wheeled platforms, in essence, are viewed as cheaper counterparts of the tracked systems. There is a need to provide artillery support for the elements involved in operational activities, where use of tracked systems would be made more difficult or simply cost ineffective.

WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer
WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer

Czech company Excalibur Army (EA) offered a simple and cost-effective modifications of the Dana howitzer to all of the users. This modification is collaboratively offered to Polish Company Wojskowe ZakÅ‚ady Uzbrojenia (WZU). The scope of modifications includes enhancement of the system’s combat usability through enhancement of its specification and replacement of systems that are worn out or obsolete, as these are not freely available on the market. This pertains, above all, to the drivetrain, cabin design and the elements that have an impact on the time required to attain combat readiness, and, which follow, the gun’s combat capabilities. Following the modifications, Dana’s lifetime may be extended for another 25 years.

511 Tactical
WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer
WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer

The DANA (Dělo Automobilní Nabíjené Automaticky) is a wheeled self-propelled howitzer and was designed by Konštrukta Trenčín and built by ZTS Dubnica nad Váhom in the former Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia). Despite the long lifetime and lack of more significant upgrades (apart from adding the Topaz ZZKO fire control system, RRC9500 radio, Fonet comms system and Tallinn 5000 land navigation suite), Danas are considered to be one of the more successful artillery system designs. The aforesaid platform also still exhibits a certain potential, when it comes to possible upgrades. The howitzer offers some protection for the crew (ballistic, IED and ABC), and comfort for the crew. Dana also features an autoloader and carries a major quantity of ammunition. Furthermore, the system may be fired within 225 degrees angle, horizontally.

WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer
WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer

Wojskowe ZakÅ‚ady Uzbrojenia S.A. is a defense industry company focusing on the sector of defense rocket launcher technology, mostly mid- and long-range. The company has extensive experience gained during the 59 years of providing services related to repairs and upgrades of missile defense technology to the Polish Armed Forces. The Company’s mission is to achieve innovative growth in order to support the security of Poland and to maintain a level technical condition of weapons and equipment used by the Polish Armed Forces and by the armed forces of Poland’s allies that will allow them to maintain their combat effectiveness and to comply with the applicable NATO standards.

WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer
WZU Modification of the Polish Dana Self-Propelled Howitzer

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