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Republic of Korea Air Force C-130Js Transports Medical Supplies from Myanmar


Republic of Korea Air Force C-130Js Transports Medical Supplies from Myanmar

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The Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKA) has utilized military aircraft to Medical Supplies to and from Myanmar in order to alleviate the country’s shortage in medical supplies as it continues to fight the novel coronavirus. This will be the first instance of military aircraft being used to transport commercial supplies. The Republic of Korea Ministry of National Defense (MND) announced that it has dispatched two C-130J transport aircrafts to bring in 80,000 surgical suits manufactured by KM Healthcare, a South Korean company based in Myanmar. The two cargo planes arrived back at Gimhae Air Base on 19 March.

Republic of Korea Air Force C-130J Transport Aircraft
Republic of Korea Air Force C-130J Transport Aircraft

On 24 March, the Embassy of Republic of Korea handed over Covid-19 protective gear from South Korea to Myanmar. Ambassador of ROK Mr Lee Sang-hwa explained the assistance, and presented the protective gear to Director General Dr Zaw Than Tun from the Department the of Medical Research. The donation items included one thousand units of anti-contamination and 50,000 units of surgical glove from the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH), 10,000 units of surgical suits and 10,000 nurse caps from the KM Healthcare, and 50,00 rapid test kits of coronavirus disease from a Korean NGO Good Neighbours.

Republic of Korea Air Force C-130J Transport Aircraft
Republic of Korea Air Force C-130J Transport Aircraft

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