Hyundai-Rotem is to collaborate with FNSS to offer the OTTER Armoured Amphibious Assault Bridge (AAAB) for evaluation by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Korea (RoK) to meet that nation’s wet gap-crossing requirement. The proposed collaboration will see Hyundai Rotem as prime contractor and FNSS acting as technology partner. Complete production of the AAAB will be performed in RoK, with the aim of maximising indigenous production by including a range of local companies in the supply chain, to include local subsystems production. Being the principal wheeled armoured vehicle supplier of the Korean Army, Hyundai Rotem’s in-depth experience and considerable production capabilities are significant assets for executing such an important programme.

The OTTER was developed and produced for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) by the Turkish company FNSS Defence Systems. A large number of AAAB vehicles, which are state-of-the-art amphibious vehicles indigenously are already in service with the Turkish Land Forces. The AAAB is a NATO certified vehicle and supports all current NATO requirements such as the river state, deployment and transportation. Rapid assault wet gap crossing at lowest logistic burden and saline operation capabilities are other significant advantages of the system. Its all-wheel 8×8 drive with a central tire inflation and adjustable ride height control features provides an exceptional off-road driving performance, especially on loose and muddy terrain. The AAAB can achieve up to 60% gradient and 30% side slope.

The Armoured Amphibious Assault Bridge (AAAB) system has two water pump jets that provide advanced water operation capability enables the vehicle to demonstrate 360° maneuvers within high river currents such as pivot turns and side moves. Axles are retractable for water operations to decrease water drag. As its ferry role, a single AAAB system can transport MLC 21 tracked vehicles. Two AAAB systems can be coupled together from pontoon to pontoon and, can easily transport an MLC85 T vehicle. By coupling three systems from ramp to ramp, up to MLC120 W vehicle can be transported over a wet gap. As well as its role as a ferry, 12 each AAAB systems can be combined together from ramp to ramp to construct a 150m long bridge which is capable of carrying MLC85 T & MLC120 W vehicles. Rapid bridge construction time ensures improved operational capability and survivability.