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Elbit Systems M454 Super – High Explosive (S-HE)


Elbit Systems M454 Super – High Explosive (S-HE)

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Elbit Systems developed an innovative artillery projectile designed for 5 times the effectiveness of standard explosive shells. As part of the its expertise in large caliber ammunition, Elbit Systems has developed an innovative 155 mm artillery projectile – M454 S-HE (Super High-Explosive). The striking angle is achieved using a unique technology based on airdrop of the warhead over the target. The warhead is equipped with advanced Controlled Fragmentation technology which on the one hand increases the effectiveness of the round and reduces the collateral damage on the other.

Elbit Systems M454 Super - High Explosive (S-HE)
Elbit Systems M454 Super – High Explosive (S-HE)

The M454 Super – High Explosive (S-HE) artillery projectile introduces a unique solution based on a pre-fragmented drogue parachute warhead, designed to detonate at an optimum height above the target. The M454 is 5 times more effective against infantry and light armored vehicles (LAV) compared to standard HE projectiles. The projectile is compatible with all 155mm NATO 39, 45, and 52 caliber guns, designed to enable a maximum range of up to 22-28 km depending on caliber.

511 Tactical
Elbit Systems M454 Super - High Explosive (S-HE)
Elbit Systems M454 Super – High Explosive (S-HE)

Elbit Systems’ name is synonymous with excellence in artillery systems with an outstanding global reputation for innovation and reliability. With the acquisition of IMI, Elbit Systems offers unmatched experience and a high-performance array of combat-proven, advanced artillery ammunition solutions to meet the range of military requirements worldwide, for troops in the modern battlefield. As a world leader in the field, the expertise in both ammunition and weaponry gives Elbit Systems’ artillery solutions a unique edge. The ammunition plant and facilities feature highly skilled staff and a production capacity of more than 250,000 bombs of all calibers per year.

Elbit Systems M454 Super - High Explosive (S-HE)
Elbit Systems M454 Super – High Explosive (S-HE)

In modern battlefield challenges, the aim of advanced artillery is to improve the effect on targets along with minimizing the logistic footprint. The M454 (Super HE) has five times the effect of traditional HE projectiles, which means achieving target neutralization with only one-fifth of the ammunition. The unified charge module (UCM) enables the artillery units to deal with a single type of modular charge, thus minimizing the logistic footprint by 50%. Elbit Systems’ battle-proven precision artillery ammunition with long-range capabilities includes highly effective extended-range High-Explosive (HE) and Super-High Explosive (S-HE) projectiles and advanced charge systems for 155mm gun firing systems with a 39, 45, and 52 caliber barrel.

Elbit Systems M454 Super - High Explosive (S-HE)
Elbit Systems M454 Super – High Explosive (S-HE)

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