MSM GROUP is the company covering activities of subsidiaries operating in the area of defence and civilian industry. The target of the group is the strategic leading of subsidiaries for effective acquisition and management of the projects within the scope of their portfolio. The companies within the group are covering by their portfolio whole life cycle of ammunition, military wheeled and tracked vehicles and radio-navigation electrical engineering.

The company is covering its subsidiaries with a portfolio in the field of defence and civil engineering industries. The Group’s goal is to strategically guide the subsidiaries to acquire and manage orders within its offer efficiently. The portfolio of the companies belonging to the Group covers the entire life cycle of ammunition and wheeled and tracked military vehicles, radio navigation devices for airports, helicopter pilot training, special containers, and information technologies.

MSM GROUP have more than 70 years experiences in the ammunition development, production and complete services in this field. Long tradition in the MSM locations for the ammunition production processes with significant effects as the deep skilled personal, support industries, development fields, education etc. Where ever possible, MSM GROUP uses the most modern techniques and equipment to ensure the high level of safety and quality in order to meet the Customers needs.

MSM GROUP is fully certified since November 2017 EUCERT (The management systems certification body Eucert) and EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 14001 and EN ISO 18001 standards. Our excellent management systems in the areas of quality assurance, occupational safety, environmental and health demonstrates our competence in life cycle of munition. MSM GROUP has the resources and skills to help you check the status of stored equipment and ammunition and perhaps establish a new expiry date. In our testing program, we evaluate your product’s status and perform an extensive safety analysis which leads to well-founded recommendations for storage, modifications or destruction.