Russian Navy Caspian Flotilla marine infantry landed on Caspian coast in large-scale force-on-force tactical drills. The drills involve more than 1,000 servicemen of the Caspian Flotilla’s marine infantry, 20 ships, Serna amphibious assault boats and also six Mi-8AMTSh ‘Terminator’ helicopters from the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Southern Military District. The company-level tactical drills will come to a close at the end of the week with the troops’ march to their permanent bases, the Southern Military District said.

Under the drills’ scenario, the troops performed a march on BTR-82A armored personnel carriers from practice ranges in Dagestan to the area of forming columns and boarded amphibious assault boats. After that, the boats landed the amphibious assault main forces. The crews of combat vehicles that rolled out from the amphibious assault boats negotiated water obstacles and barriers on cross-country terrain. The marines seized a bridgehead on the coast and launched an operation to break through the enemy’s defense and eliminate its forces. The armored personnel carriers provided fire support with small arms and grenade throwing against enemy positions. The artillery units fired Nona guns.

The Caspian Flotilla (Kaspiyskaya flotiliya) is the flotilla of the Russian Navy in the Caspian Sea. In Dagestan, a regiment of the marine infantry was formed 2018 as part of the Caspian Flotilla (CFL) of the Southern Military District (YuVO). To date, the new formation is fully staffed with modern weapons and military equipment, including BTR-82A armored personnel carriers, 120-mm self-propelled artillery guns 2S9 “Nona”, 122-mm howitzers D-30, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV ) “Eleron” and “Orlan”.