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British Army Close Quarters Marksmanship


British Army Close Quarters Marksmanship

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Close quarter marksmanship is a key skill of the fighting soldier. Though it may seem easy as the distance is shorter, there are a range of other factors that must be considered for success in any engagement. Here Staff Sergeant Ian Arnott from the Small Arms School Corps puts the highly-trained Brigade Reconnaissance Force Troops through their paces. Here we show the essence of what it takes to win a short range contact. Some techniques and procedure have been omitted for security and brevity purposes.

British Army Close Quarters Marksmanship
British Army Close Quarters Marksmanship

It is even more important, during this time of transition in Afghanistan, for the soldiers to be fully trained, as we take a step back and allow the Afghan National Forces to take control of their own security. Filmed by the British Army Combat Camera Team in Afghanistan for Op HERRICK 18 – Captain Mau Gris team leader, Sergeant Barry Lloyd video cameraman and Sergeant Barry Pope photographer

British Army Close Quarters Marksmanship
British Army Close Quarters Marksmanship

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