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Utilis SAS – Shelters and Decontamination Solutions


Utilis SAS – Shelters and Decontamination Solutions

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Utilis S.A.S. are global specialists in the design, supply and support of a wide range of rapid deploy shelters and camp systems. Utilis have over 18 years of experience in the development and supply of innovative field deployable solutions, which has allowed Utilis to become one of the dominant European suppliers of class-leading solutions for camp shelter infrastructure. Utilis offer a broad range of solutions to support rapid entry, tactical deployments up to semi-permanent long term whole camp deployments. Utilis have the in-house expertise, capability and experience to correctly interpret user needs and to propose robust, high quality solutions that can be relied upon in even the most demanding conditions.

Utilis SAS  - Shelters and Decontamination Solutions
Utilis SAS – Shelters and Decontamination Solutions

Utilis SAS is a trusted, long term supplier to many key organisations involved in early entry and tactical deployments, incident response and crisis management. These include individual European armed forces, national civil defence bodies, emergency and first response teams as well as many other organisations with a need for rapid response capability. Utilis delivers exceptionally broad sector experience, having equipped a wide variety of camps, both large and small. Our in-service equipment covers the entire spectrum from small individual response shelters upto large 500/ 1000 person comprehensive camp systems incorporating all functional amenities. Our versatile product line and high level of expertise allows us to deliver an extraordinarily wide capability range, encompassing accommodation, field hospital and medical facilities, headquarter systems, CBRN Collective Protection enabled complexes and all associated support equipment and furnishings.
Utilis SAS  - Shelters and Decontamination Solutions
Utilis SAS – Shelters and Decontamination Solutions

Utilis S.A.S is sited in Ennery, France which is the headquarters and global hub of the international operations of Utilis. Utilis S.A.S location provides quick and easy access to pan-European transport networks, benefitting both production activities and outgoing product deliveries. The Utilis site comprises of over 2,150m2 office, production and covered storage space plus over 2,800m2 of hardstanding area. Utilis is an ISO 9001:2008 accredited organisation and all design, production and service activity is strictly governed by our in-house control processes for assured output quality.

The Utilis team has grown and developed along with our organisation and has been the key to the success of Utilis within the global marketplace. Our team brings together a core of personnel each with many years of experience working within the field of deployable infrastructure, with a cumulative team total approaching 150 years of solid sector experience. This expertise allows us to work closely with our clients and provide informed advice regarding the most appropriate solutions to requirement specifics based upon real life operational experience. Utilis S.A.S. places a great emphasis on the continual development of its staff, encouraging skills-spread and knowledge transfer throughout the organisation. In addition to our skilled production personnel, our engineering and project staff bring a wealth of specialist niche capabilities to the organisation which drive our ability to innovate and remain highly reactive to market needs.
Utilis SAS  - Shelters and Decontamination Solutions
Utilis SAS – Shelters and Decontamination Solutions

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