Defense Career
Ground Warfare

ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station


ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station

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The Nexter System’s ARX20 offers superior firepower, range and terminal effectiveness while ensuring full protection of the crew. Nexter’s 20 mm cannon provides stand-offs against heavily gunned asymmetric threats in a maximum range of 1,200 m. With a weight, a compactness and integration specifications comparable to those of 0.50 machine gun mounts, the ARX®20 RCWS, equipped with a 20mm cannon, provides a higher fire power and terminal efficiency than the majority of RCWS available on the market.

ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station
ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station

The ARX20 can optionally incorporate 7,62 mm machine gun with 300 rounds, Lacroix’s GALIX smoke discharger, fire detection and localisation system and firing waste disposal. The ARX20 uses the 20M621 cannon to fire 20×102 NATO ammunition with an average firing rate of 750 rounds/min. It’s gun, firing NATO standard ammunition, can neutralize up level 4 ballistic protection, and can generate five times more shrapnel than 0.50 ammunition. Nexter Systems have developed the ARX 20 to fill the gap between 0.50 cal (12.7 mm) and 30 mm remote weapon stations.
ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station
ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station

The Nexter System’s ARX20 offers significantly greater firepower and range than the former without the platform limitations of the latter. The system uses the same weapon as the CP 20 armament kit which in turn was developed from an airborne weapon system. The ARX®20 can be easily integrated every type of vehicle, including light 4×4, and ensures a total protection of the gunners in every meteorological situation. Suitable platforms would include HMMWV, Aravis, Titus, NimR, TigR, Sherpa, VBL and VAB. The ARX®20 is perfectly suited for support, fire support and security missions, but also for urbanarea combat.
ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station
ARX 20 Land Remote Controlled Weapon Station

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