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Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System


Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System

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Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System
Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System

Here Rosy_Mod is integrated into a protected vehicle, the Toyota LC200 “Trojan”. The new modular version ROSY_Mod is designed for small weapon stations and light vehicles of the kind used by special operations forces. The ROSY_Mod single launcher modules are integrated directly into the vehicle without a surface-mounted launcher, thus making it undetectable.

Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System
Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System

Rheinmetall’s ROSY smoke protection system helps to protect the crew and passengers of military and civilian vehicles from surprise attacks and ambushes e.g. during reconnaissance patrols or while travelling in convoy. Unlike conventional smoke and obscurant systems, ROSY produces within one second an instantaneous, large-area, multispectral interruption of the line of sight that shields even moving vehicles with a dynamic, long-lasting smoke screen.
Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System
Rheinmetall ROSY_ Mod Protection System

ROSY’s multi-mission capability assures 360° protection from multiple attackers, including stream and wave attacks. Unlike the conventional smoke protection systems in use, Rosy is able to generate dynamic smoke screens as well as spontaneous, large-area and multispectral interruption of the line of sight (LOS). Moreover, thanks to effective screening in the visual and infrared spectrums, including integrated IR jamming and decoying effects. Its multimission capability represents a sure defence against stream and wave attacks. Due to its integrated IR jamming and decoying capabilities, Rosy effectively counters all TV-, EO-, IR-, IIR-, laser- and SACLOS-guided weapons.

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