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UralVagonZavod shows BMP 3 IFV with 57mm Gun


UralVagonZavod shows BMP 3 IFV with 57mm Gun

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UralVagonZavod shows BMP 3 IFV with 57mm Gun
UralVagonZavod shows BMP 3 IFV with 57mm Gun

Russian manufacturer Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) has revealed the video showing a live-fire demonstration of BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle fitted with a new turret armed with a 57mm automatic cannon using gun mount module AU-220M.

The footage shows a new version of infantry fighting vehicle fitted with AU-220M module, which is based on the BMP-3 chassis, and also called the BRM-3K Rys.

511 Tactical

The AU-220M turret is designed for armored vehicles, both new and undergoing modernization. New turret armed with a 57mm automatic cannon using gun mount module AU-220M. A 7,62mm coaxial machine gun is mounted to right side of the main armament.

With a phenomenal rate of fire of 300 rounds per minute, and a guaranteed striking range of up to 12 kilometers, the AU-220M’s 57 mm projectile is unlikely to cut through the front armor of an Abrams or a Leopard MBT, but even against the heaviest of armor, engineers bet on the hail of high-explosive projectiles knocking out optics, destroying aerials, smashing caterpillar tracks and jamming turrets.

Armed with a new combat turret, BMP-3 is capable of firing from the ground, on the move and afloat.

UralVagonZavod shows BMP 3 IFV with 57mm Gun
UralVagonZavod shows BMP 3 IFV with 57mm Gun

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