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Gulf Defense & Aerospace Exhibition GDA 2017 Kuwait Day1


Gulf Defense & Aerospace Exhibition GDA 2017 Kuwait Day1

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Day 1 for Army Recognition editorial team at GDA 2017, the International Defense and Aerospace Exhibition and Conference in Mishref, Kuwait. In this video we focus on the equipment of the Police and the National Guard and the latest innovations as well.
This year, it is the fourth edition of GDA – the Gulf Defense & Aerospace Exhibition & Conference – organized in Mishref, Kuwaït. During three days, more than 100 companies from 20 different countries will showcase their latest poducts and technologies. The show is organized by Kuwait International Fair and TNT Productions, LLC under the official patronnage of the Ministry of Defence of the State of Kuwait.
The organizers of the show are expecting to welcome 4,000 visitors coming from 41 countries, including military and defence professionnals.
The Kuwait International Fair is located in the Mishref neighborhood of Kuwait City and is comprised of modern exhibition facilities with six fully air-conditioned halls covering over 30,000 square meters of exhibition space.
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Gulf Defense & Aerospace Exhibition GDA 2017 Kuwait Day1
Gulf Defense & Aerospace Exhibition GDA 2017 Kuwait Day1

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