A US army convoy got stuck in the mud on a road in western Poland. Their colleagues who came to help then saw their own vehicle turning over, prompting the ‘gallant’ soldiers to eventually ask the locals for help.
The small US army convoy, consisting of what appears to be two heavy combat engineer support vehicles, experienced trouble on a road near the western Polish town of Lubin, when one of the trucks suddenly experienced problems with the brakes. The convoy pulled to the side of the road to examine the fault, only to find themselves stuck in a ditch.
A local media outlet released aerial footage of the stuck in the mud incident. However, Polish media that reported on the incident did not provide any details about the military unit the unfortunate soldiers belonged to, as well as about their mission.The US Army in Europe did not provide any official comments on the incident either.
Polish media reported further that the incident in Lubin was just the latest in a series of similar misfortunes that has plagued the US Army in the Eastern European country since the beginning of the year.