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Spike ER missile firing from patrol boat


Spike ER missile firing from patrol boat

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Spike ER anti-tank guided missiles launching from an Israeli Navy patrol boat against small surface targets. The testing was undertaken from one of the service’s 32m long SHALDAG Mk V fast attack boats built by Israel Shipyards, and the missile was launched from Rafael’s MLS-ER launcher consisting of four tubes. A simple check of facts clarifies that modern weapon systems like SPIKE-ER (or the SPIKE-NLOS), belonging to a highly successful family of anti-tank guided missiles, are about to enhance the operational capabilities of small and medium naval craft, responding to evolving requirements of navies and other maritime services facing new asymmetric threats. The SPIKE-ER is the Israeli counterpart to proven Hellfire long range anti-tank missile.
Video: Rafael

Spike ER missile firing from patrol boat
Spike ER missile firing from patrol boat

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