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ASEAN International Fleet Review 2017


ASEAN International Fleet Review 2017

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From the result of the 8th ASEAN Navy Chief’s Meeting in August 2014, the Royal Thai Navy was selected to be the host of the International Fleet Review on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN. On 28th July 2015, the cabinet approved the proposed International Fleet Review and combined it with the 11th ASEAN Navy Chief’s Meeting and the inaugural ASEAN Multilateral Naval Exercise, calling this grand event “The International Fleet Review to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN Establishment”. The event will be held between 13th to 22nd November 2017 in Pattaya, Sattahip and the northern area of the Gulf of Thailand. This event answers to the Minister of Defense’s policy of strengthening relations and cooperations among neighboring countries, ASEAN nations, allies and partners, as well as to incite economic growth and tourist industry of Thailand. Hence, the collaboration with government and private sectors have been made to support activities as follows;
Major Activities
– In the morning of the Saturday, 19th November, the Minister of Defense of Thailand will preside over the opening ceremony and chair the 11th ASEAN Navy Chief’s Meeting, while the afternoon will consist of a demonstration for maritime rescue operations, international navies city parade and the arts and cultural parade along Pattaya beach.
– In the morning of the Sunday, 20th November, will be the main event of the International Fleet Review, where the Prime Minister of Thailand will be the reviewing officer, followed by a formal dinner on the occasion of the Royal Thai Navy Day in the evening at Dusit Pattaya Hotel where the Prime Minister will also chair.
– Between the 21st and the 22nd of November, there will be the inaugural ASEAN Multilateral Naval Exercise or the 1st AMNEX in the northern vicinity of the Gulf of Thailand where 12 ships from ASEAN navies will take part.
Public Activities consist of
– The Kratingdaeng Traditional Long-Boat Racing King’s Cup 2017 between 14th to 15th November at Klong Bang Phai Reservoir, Ban Chang, Rayong.
– The 4th Ship Technology for the Next Decade or Ship Tech 4, between 15th to 17th November at the Royal Cliff Hotel, Pattaya.
– The Air Race 1 World Cup Thailand 2017 between 15th – 19th November at U-Tapao International Airport.
– The International Fleet Review Regatta 2017 on the 17th of November at Pattaya Bay.
– The Ministry of Culture’s Cultural Products Exhibition between 14th to 19th November at Central Festival, Pattaya.
– and the fireworks display by Royal Thai Armed Forces and allies in the evening of the 19th of November 2017 at the Gulf of Pattaya.
The Royal Thai Navy is ready and prepared to host the International Fleet Review this November. We will continue to promote and rehearse to make the upcoming International Fleet Review a historic phenomenon that signifies the pride of Thailand to the world.

ASEAN International Fleet Review 2017
ASEAN International Fleet Review 2017

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