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Royal Marines Commando Training: Mud Run


Royal Marines Commando Training: Mud Run

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Royal Marines Commando Training: Mud Run
Royal Marines Commando Training: Mud Run

Royal Marines recruits complete the famous “mud run”, part of training at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines. It is designed to turn the merely tough into the super-tough.The Royal Marines’ much-feared Mud Run is the toughest part of the 32-week training course said to turn ‘civilians into commandos’, and looking at these astonishing short video, you can see why even the strongest recruits dread it. Exhausted, demoralised, and covered in foul-smelling sludge from head to toe, these Royal Marine recruits hope one day to wear the coveted Green Beret marking them out as the elite of Britain’s fighting forces.

Royal Marines Commando Training: Mud Run
Royal Marines Commando Training: Mud Run

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