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L3 M60A3 Destroyer


L3 M60A3 Destroyer

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L3 M60A3 Destroyer
L3 M60A3 Destroyer

The M60A3 is one hell of a tank and we all know the classic and historically iconic M60 series of tanks. L3 offer an upgrade package for the venerable M60A3 main battle tank, to “mitigate the obsolescence” (sic) of aging M60s around the world and keep them somewhat still relevant in a modern battlefield. Improvements include: 120mm cannon, 1200hp engine, turret slat armor, better turret and cannon electronics (drives, optics, FCS, gunner controls). Named the L3 M60A3 Destroyer, the upgrade is being offered for export to nations that need the performance to take on threats like a Russian-built T-90S, but can’t afford a top-of-the-line machine like the M1A2 SEP(v)3 Abrams or Leopard 2A7.

L3 M60A3 Destroyer
L3 M60A3 Destroyer

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